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I have seeds that I am germinating. I need to know how should I transfer the seeds once germination is complete. And how do I know when this initial process is complete. and what is the next step after germination.

Super Stoner
Mr. Ganja
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Northeastern USA
Posts: 5,664

Ok, I decided to use peet pellets for this round. Walmart had a tray of 72 of them for less than $4.00. I only have thirty seeds, so I will of course have some left over. I plan on breaking those apart and using them in the intirim pots, then transplant to finish size in coco-coir. I had been using the coco in the intirim size pots, it doesn't hold together well enough for a slow old man and even though I haven't lost any in transplant I want to be safe with these blues. SO here is the tray with the pellets, soaked in ro water to rehydrate then moistened with 1 liter of water and 5mls. of Nitrozime. The excess water will not touch the bottom of the pellets.
Here are the three 'Germinators', we open to find......holy shit, a couple of inch long tap roots, shit better get them planted, I hate when that happens.
I use a little screw driver to rough up the whole, and then I have these bent needle nose plyers to pick the seeds up ... and place them tap root down in the pellets. Move the peet right around the seed, do not smash it down. Into the propagator, 25 seeds are now planted, 5 more to go.
Now the work begins. You want to keep the bottom of the tray, were the roots are around 80 degrees and the air around the seedling relatively moist. This means the light is a good 6 or 7" above the plants and when they stick there little heads up they will start to stretch for the light, might not kill them, certainly won't help. For the first few days I will remove the lid a few times a day to get 'fresh air in there'. As soon as it is practicle we want to remove the lid, move the light closer, get air moving around our little plants, a nice gently spring breeze.
Check out my new toy in the other thread. VV
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This is page one from my journal. You don't have to use the bent nose pliers, you can use tweezers instead. VV