1000w in a 4x4x8 room? 1000w + Co2 + good vent.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Be safe out there because its crazy storms right now down here. but Im loving this cold weather right now lol.

Niko Bellick I would run a 400cfm fan or higher to go threw the A/C>duct>light>duct>exhaust would be your best bet.
Thanks man ill pick one up and give it a try. anything to keep running a 1000watts


Well-Known Member
I mean this with all the sincerity in the world... Fuck co2 until you have grown at least two cycles in that room. Air cooled hood or not, it going to be an oven in there 30 minutes after you turn the lghts on.. That light that's pouring out of the hood...that will generate heat when it meets a surface be that a plant or otherwise.

You just can't do co2 properly without a controller. Period. Especially you with fans blowing out of the room. Not sure where you got the 1.5 hours to get to 1500 ppm but my room goes from 500 (after nightime cause the are respiring co2) to 1500 in about 1 minute of co2 at 5 ft per second. Again, just passing along a little experience. There are times when you want 1500 and there are times when you want 900 and 600 in the last week. You just have no way of knowing without a controller.

I'm a HUGE fan of co2 and it works wonders but only if you have the right gear. Ps. Air is like water and two objects can not occupy the same space at the same time.. So if your going to have an exhaust fan, you HAVE to have a similar sized exhaust fan or passive inlet at least twice the size of your outlet. Actually better to blow air in and let it escape. Plants don't like negative air pressure and that is what you have with a big exhaust fan.

Hope this helps dude am happy growing!


New Member
HI, his is my first crop and I have had a horrible experience. I was told by my local garden shop that is I had a 1000 hps that I would be good with the tent he sold me (4x4x8) so the first night I started my 12/12 they bleached and limped :(. I felt horrible and I don't know if they will recover. My room has a inline exhaust and I was leaving the main door unzipped for extra air and running a box fan. My babies were all the way on the floor with a distance of 5 feet from the housing. I don' understand what happened. I pulled them out of the tent for now until I can figure out if I should get a 600 watt or 400 watt ballast. (expensive). If anyone can advise me on what I may have done wrong and if my plant will recover that would be great. :)plant2.jpgburned.jpg


Out of curiosity Clee, Did you water them Right before you put them in the tent? and if so... how much water, and what was the Ph?... Also what is the soil and how long have they been in it