1000w in a 4x4x8 room? 1000w + Co2 + good vent.


Active Member
First let me say I got good vent going on ill put up good pictures tomorrow if I get good rep+. I can actually go 7 inch from the 1000watter with the tops. :hump:

1. Starting with T8 Florescence (1 Month) and now went with a 1000w hps for the next 2 weeks of veg before switching to flowering. Good Idea?

2. Is running a 1000w hps WITH a co2 2 burner gen in a 4x4 x8 room too much, or even a good idea as long as my temp is below 85%?


Well-Known Member
Well everyone has something to say about growing. Let me just say one thing that really stands out to me! Please, use your T8 for only a week and than fire up your 1000HPS. If your worried about your HPS just keep it higher up. Your 4x4 area is very small. But good news, artificial lighting is shit-still to this day. I guess I am talking about efficiency etc. So that said a 4x4 area sounds near a perfect match. At lest you have an 8 foot ceiling. I see alot of people working with no ceiling or height is a big issue!

About your CO2. man, I do not want to say thats a good idea if you have really good air movement out of that room, especially if you can keep your temps below 85 with a 1000watt and co2 burner. I would prob stay away from that since getting your CO2 levels above 300 sounds next to impossible. If you pumped in fresh air from outside you will get 300ppm of CO2 :)

Your right about CO2 and heat go hand and hand, but you need to measure it and need to have a closed system. Best of luck man! Ill look back for the pics..


Active Member
I have heard that. THANK JL. So if you have a gen running with the inline outline exhaust going its ummm virtually pointless? My environmental controller will be here soon and ill be able to have my exhaust shut off when the gen kicks on but for now im running both off separate timers.

You think if I have a separate timer for the exhaust (because its on the light timer) and have the exhaust shut off every time I have the co2 gen kick on??? letting the co2 drop to hit the plants then exhaust kick on to cool the light off? Thats my only hope to having co2 in the mean time until i get my environmental controller.

Also, the room is very very AIR tight so when that exhaust kicks on it's like a vacuum hose getting stuck into a sealed bag.. This would be sucking the co2 right now the room before it hits the plants.

hum.. maybe if I direct the exhaust up which would make it above the Co2 gen, it would let the co2 hit before getting ejected???????


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks really good. My first question is: your exhaust sucks air from the shade right and that air that enters the shade is from the room? I think that' is how its set up. Heres the problem with the enviroment controller. Your room will accumulate to much heat to fast; in turn, your exhaust will have to be on to often to build up CO2. It does take some time for your CO2 to build up ppm.
I like the idea that your room is air tight. It will keep the smell at least from creeping because of the heat.

About your timers turning on and off to balance the time between your burner and heat/exhaust, your idea would work but the heat will build up about 1 degree a minute in your 4x6 room. The only way you can build up the CO2 is that you have to turn your exhaust off. When the general try to use CO2 they usually have large set ups were the exhaust can be turned off for about one hour. Remember, you may get your ppm up but your plants will only bask in it for a very short time.
So, if I were you, turn on your 1000HPS light and see how much heat it produces in your room for every hour. I think you have the white and black timer with two plug ins that has the ability for 15 min intervals. Take that timer and after one hour, push in a peg for 45mins with no exhaust and 15 mins for exhaust on.
If you can keep it around 26-27 degrees, that sounds good to me. Keep that system like that. But you going to have to account for the gen producing heat.

The next thing I think about is, do u have a co2 monitor? If so that you can really gauge whats up and see if it's worth keeping exhaust off for 45 mins for every hour. If you can keep ppm above 800ppm thats worth keeping the burner.
Remember that your plants have to bask in the PPM for the whole cycle to gain any benefit. Thats the catch with CO2

BTW the room looks good. I like the choice in reflector. Maybe you could suck not from the room but from anther place so that air runs through the shade? Example,
Pull air from outside, through shade and into a bed room/ roof or back outside. This way their is little heat in grow room. BUT you still would need another exhaust. But that exhaust will have a carbon filter and a fan and if that was on a timer every once and a while you could very well get your PPM up their no problem :)
Do you kinda get what I mean about pulling air from another place, instead of grow room, that that air will pass into shade and back outside the grow room. The idea is that the fan will pull hot air from the shade. Now for this to work you must have a sealed shade and a cover at the bottom of the shade. Did u buy that type of shade?


Well-Known Member
hello i have a question because i was thinking about doing a co2 myself, what if u have the co2 turn on at night when the lights and fan are off, lets say 12 hours at night and turn off when the lights turn on?


Well-Known Member
Well jojo CO2 at night is useless since the plants do not use Co2 at night. They use it for their nitrogen fixation cycle which happens during the light dependent reaction cycle when the lights are on. All you want to do at night is make sure that your temps dont have a major swing. Now people would say a 5 degree temp swing is ideal since it's fairly normal in the plants diet. But in reality for alot of growers you can get a 10 degree swing and have no consequence! Please remember that and dont let someone get to technical on you.

If you want to run AC, use a tank and buy a regulator and than a CO2 Monintor system. They system are pretty expensive, the regulator is about $250 and the CO2 you can get from the grow stores. You place a deposit on the tank and you rent them. They are responsible for them to get refilled. Or you can get a CO2 burner, they are kinda costly too, but they do produce heat! So thats shit. I have a bud who owns two of them. They heat the grow room up lol.


Active Member
Yeah that was my PLAN B if this wouldnt work with the co2... I knew this suction from the room would suck the co2 right out just wondering if i could make it work. hahaha :)
OK so JL. Im going to go ahead and take the line right threw the other side of the room so its outside>duct>light>duct>outside>Fan which blows on the ballast :) oh yeah. haha BUTTTT...
What about my inline hole right above the drain trey? how do I get fresh air or ventilation into the room to keep the Hum down? because I dont have a fan hooked up to that hole at the moment. Just use the suction from the exhaust fan and pulls in alot of air.
If the room stays cool at 75 degrees - 85 degrees do I even need the air flow? because if I do this outline of the light then the light will be cool at all times of the light on and Co2 will be working the way I want with the right PPMs.

p.s Can you recognize that strain? I went to the club loadeddddd and forgot the name of it when I got home all i remember is its KUSH. I know ill recognize when the harvest comes though. jw

Ill get you more pictures once responded to this rep.


Active Member
I came to the conclusion that im going to run the other side of the light out of the room, which suck air out of the outside and threw the light and out the other side of the room no air going threw the room just threw the light since i am running XXXL magnum with glass plate. so My co2 will work just fine now with that problem out of the way what do I do about the air inside the room? I have an inline hole with no fan hooked up YET. once i get a fan on there i should be fine but where would the air escape from? should I hook up a "T" duct to the exhaust which will pull air threw my inline hole WITHOUT pulling too much co2?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am trying to make sure I have an understanding. You are pulling air from outside, ducting, light, ducting and back outside? Is the outside were trees are or outside the grow room you built but still in the house?
Now my next problem I am trying to understand is about your air intake. I think you are worried about the whole you created? Can you plug the whole? Or are you looking to create an air intake? IF you are looking for an air intake, are you pulling air from outside or outside the grow room your built that's situated inside a bedroom? I would not really worry about air in the grow room, but rather have a fan with a filter pulling air out of the grow room every so often just to keep the air replaced. This will force new air into the room and keep the air in the grow room from becoming stale.

I have a feeling I am out to lunch on alot of this and am not answering anything you are asking! lol
You asked about the hum in your room and curious how to keep it low. Well fresh air can help but if you are pulling air from outside in winter it helps keep hum low, but in summer it can increase your room hum.
On your last paragraph I am kinda confused about what your saying with the T duct. I know what yea mean about T duct but not sure about how the in and out exhaust connects with duct. I was thinking you had a sealed unit that ran though your lights.

LOL, i am going to log and eat food right now. Ill check back, maybe when my head is normal!


Active Member
sealed room which is inside the garage. with a exhaust fan which travels threw the light. Therefore, has no air circulation in the room. Is that ok?

I do have a 6" hole in the lower conner of the room which is the inline BUT has no fan connected yet (I do have a filter on the hole). so if I place a osculating fan inside the room with the hole filtered will that bring in enough fresh air in the room?

LOL LOL Yes the room is sealed with air running threw the light... Let me try to place a mental picture for you... outside>duct>"T">light>duct>outside>fan. with me adding the "T" would this make the exhaust still too strong for room to keep up the co2 like I didnt even run it to the outside of the room?

ill get pictures just tell me of what.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I think I might get it but up pictures help lol

So you pull air from your garage than into the shade and back out into the garage. Now I think this can work since the garage is usually a bit on the cool side or cold LOL and the cool thing is, your taking the air from your bulb and sending it out of the grow room.

Can you explain to me why you want to put a T in your ducting system that has your air cooled shade connected to? Doing this will pull air from your grow room and pull it out. Also it will pull the Oder of your grow and displace it in your garage. Dont get me wrong, your garage will stink a bit, but not that bad, just make sure you have a filter in your grow room exhausting air out of the tent. You need to get an oscillating fan as well for air circulation. I would not worrie about putting an air intake system into your tent but rather have an filter and exhaust. At least this way, you have a passive air intake system :) And your garage will always refresh it's self!

IF you put the T into your air cooled system you will make it to hard on your system to get any Co2 to build up! It wont work, not even close. So, take your air in whole and exhaust air from their out of your grow room BUT do it every so often and dont have it on very long. This is were you have to measure your CO2 and how long it takes to build it and how long you cna have you exhaust on before it exhaust all your CO2 etc. IF you add fresh air in, I dont think it will hurt your co2 count to bad, but rather its much easier for your co2 to regulate to fix by turning on. BUT you have to have an exhaust. So maybe you might only get to exhust once every four hours for thirty mins. But the key is to have your air cooled system the way you have it. I would not add the T. I like the idea but it will kill the co2 levels.

Am I getting the right idea with the purpose of the T and the intake whole at the bottom of tent?


Active Member
STIFFY bro you help a whole lot. Thanks.

Ok so the co2 will work... And I did the math and It takes 1hour 34 min to fill the room with 1500ppms. Ill be getting a Sentinel CHHC 4 controller soon here like I said.

now i got it down (because of you) thanks again, Im going to let the co2 go for 30 wait an hour then 30 then an hour 30 then wait an hour so the heat stays down which will fill a 4x4 room or (112 cubic Ft) with additive about of 1200ppms of co2 with the air at 300ppms already that will have me a 1500ppm co2 level. Then Im going to run the exhaust 3 hours after the room builds up to 1500ppm for 15,30,45 min to clear the room? I was thinking 30min. Then repeating this process 3 times a day. Also, with a continues flow of low (170cfm) fresh air intake.
This will work if you dont have a co2 monitor and dont want stale air to build up yet have the co2 levels correct.

1.-Will this 3 hour waiting period suffocate my babies?
2.-Will 30min be enough to clear out my room with fresh air, while having a continues low cfm air intake flow going?

Copyrights to 1stHempBankGower 12/21/2010.


Active Member
Ps I took the oscillating fan out and placed it on the outside of the inline (see it on the bottom left of the room next to the fan "white circle") to place a low cfm intake.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see the pics, it's obv what I was thinking. And looks clean and organized! I like the set up!
You did all the works so props to you!
K for your first concern/question, I would not worry about basking your plants for hours in CO2, that is, as long as it is during the day. You can run your lights for 18hours with high CO2 the whole time. During the night you do not want any CO2 boost.

Just got a call. and I need to jet right away.

Now about you running your fresh air in or about clearing the air in the room. 30 mins is more than enough! If you have a fan that pulls (what ever CFM) than thats how much air it removes a minute. So if you have a 180CFM in a 4x4x8 you would want to run your fan for about ten mins to really make sure all the air is out and cycled good.
Gotta jet
Have to get kids ready and have 25min drive to town to grab the girlfriend. Ill pop back on and mention what I thought, but you seem to have a good idea, you just need to get your monitor in and dick around. I also think your math is pretty accurate!


Active Member
ok so ill get the 1500ppms as needed and have a 120cfm intake fan blowing air continuesly into the room then 30min before lights out have the exhaust kick on for 30 min to freshen the air. What do you think?
Im one week until flowering starts and excited you helped me out. Thanks again bro.

Im in LA if in need hit me up. thanks.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I have a question about your room set up. I am about to start growing in a closet that measures 5.5 long 3.5 wide and 7.8 tall. Ill be running a 1000 watt HID set up and I was wondering what size fans you are using etc to move the hot air off that light and out of your room?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the offer!! I have only been to America once lol. I went to Orlando, Florda when I was (think 12) lol. Stopped in Chicago for a plan transfer.. LA sounds good, but always pictured it to be to fucking big!

Looks like you got someone asking for your help! You have a really good grasp on what to do and how to do it!
I like the idea about you running your 180cfm intake and I also think that when you kill the CO2 30 mins just before the lights go off and have the exhuast on to freash'n the air will work perfectly! Keep me updated with a pic of the crop and how things work when you get your monitor. You can private msg to keep in touch once this forum gets pushed to the back of the line.

Offer stands, If you ever find a reason to come to B.C.
Looks good tho! bEst of luck!

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
Hey bro, it seems to me that utilizing the concept of a sealed room would be best for you. Let me lay it out.

1. A sealed room will keep a majority of bugs and microbes from entering your growroom by eliminating intake air even though you might run a hepa filter on it. Save the intake fan for odor control. :hump:

2. A sealed room will allow you to keep your CO2 at peak levels like 1500+. No CO2 waste either because no need for exhaust saves you money. Also all this math about ppm when you already have a bichin' controller seems like a waste of time.

3. Running a window a/c unit with the front sticking inside and the exhaust side being outside of the room will ensure you an even temperature. You still will have to deal with the odor from the a/c exhaust. Another Carbon scrubber with a 4 or 6 inch inline fan.

4. As far as cooling your lights, I would suggest a 6 or 8 inch inline fan close to where the coolest air is coming from. Maybe pull air from a fancy special new vent you can install or just pust it near the light.

Additionally window a/c's are by far the most efficient units out there. There are several very old units that still run that are 20+ years old here in Southern Cali. Plus the core is made of metal and not some cheap plastic housing. :mrgreen:

Good luck with your grow.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Be safe out there because its crazy storms right now down here. but Im loving this cold weather right now lol.

I have a question about your room set up. I am about to start growing in a closet that measures 5.5 long 3.5 wide and 7.8 tall. Ill be running a 1000 watt HID set up and I was wondering what size fans you are using etc to move the hot air off that light and out of your room?​
Niko Bellick I would run a 400cfm fan or higher to go threw the A/C>duct>light>duct>exhaust would be your best bet.