*** 1000w HPS Problem Need advice!! PLEASE! ***


Active Member
I got a awsome deal from my local shop. I got a 1000w bulb, reflector and naked ballast for $175 ( Lumz 'n Blooms - Naked Box ) The only problem was i had to wire it myself. Now the ballast came prewired so i just needed to get cable to plug the ballast into the wall and cable to plug the light into the ballast. Sounds simple enough.

So i went to Home Depot and got a 14 gauge heavy duty plug/wire, cut the female end off and striped the wires.
One black----- Hot
One white----- Neg
One green----- Ground ??? <<< RIGHT???

So then i had three ports to plug it into Ground, Common(white) and 120v(hot)

Then i went to the light side, Got a 15amp heavy duty inhouse electrical wire spliced the ends off and got another three cables.
One black------ Hot
One white------ Neg
Solid copper----- Ground

I pluged those into the ports available, Lamp, Ground and Common(white)

So the problem is that i put the wire on the ballast first and plugged it in to see if it worked (test). So the ballast kicked on and i figured all is well. So then i wire up the light. So i crossed my fingers and plugged it in. Needless to say the ballast kicked on and after 2 mins the light still had not come on. I know HPS lights take a min to kick on but i waited what i think was long enough and still no action.



Well-Known Member
First of all, if your wiring it yourself, it doesnt really matter what colour wire you use for live/neut/earth As long as you remember which is which.

If the ballast kicked in thats a good sign, so its obviously a wiring problem from your ballast to your light, You may have wired your neutral to where your live should be, or your earth to where ur live should be, vice versa, Them lights can be tricky to wire....

Worst case scenario is that your wiring is bad and theres a short circuit somewhere, if you dont have your light earthed as well as your ballast, i would switch off the power and earth you light so that you don't fry yourself,

If your wiring is perfect i could only put it down to short circuiting or a faulty light.