1000W HPS lighting question


Active Member
Hey POTLIKE!!! I have no idea yet what my dimensions are gonna be for my growroom. I just planted about 25 seeds yesterday, just bagseed, but everytime I've grown outdoors its pretty much always half male and half female so I hope I can grow at least 6-8 healthy females. I gotta mate who said he's gonna make a grow box for me, but I'm just waiting for the seedlings to come up so I can get growin! I've grown outdoors a couple of times with just 2 plants and been successful, but I think they were just flukes. I live in Tasmania, Aus. so its pretty cold down here atm and it will be pretty hard to get them to veg. Any tips on this 600watter HPS I got would be majorly helpful. Plus, can I just start veggin under the light?.....Cheers


Active Member
You can for sure start growing. If your new to this, just do it. You will learn so much from messing up and maybe killing a few along the way. And your only going to get better after you do this. My first grow kinda sucked, but now Im doing it right. I started off with a 600 HPS that I had in my GF spare bedroom shower. I had 3 plants, all made it. Loose but smokable. Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
I'd use the HPS for flowering then go with a shop light using 6500K bulbs for vegging.... the shop light will be a cheap route to go and will be effective.



Well-Known Member
a shop light may get too warm,, but what potlike is saying is true, instead i would use a cfl cool bulb or two??? those you can get very close to the plant w/out burning em...


Well-Known Member
my reason for shoplights using t8's is more even light distribution and efficiency.

CFL: top end 60 lumens per watt
t8: tops out at 105 lumens per watt

I can wrap my hand around t8's all day. Not too hot....
