1000 Strawberries , Drip Irrigation semi Comertial


Well-Known Member
TIss that season RIu the end of the year when the farm gets a redo , LUv this time of year ... can you smell the green .. cuz i can :hump: so some of the fam .. (they are paranoid and would rather stay anonymous ) and me decided we wanted to drop some dough to get some , so what better way that sweet , straw berries :) . and some of em have seen how Riu has helped my growing skillz and so they would like to hear feedback and any suggestions or help as we go along , this will be a single multiple harvest grow over one year, then next year, the land will be re distributed .. but for now ;) the setup . the plants are coming on Wednesday so al update then , ohh and .. sadly .. this is our first time growing strawberries in large scale like this, so if there is any PROs that have any ideas or tricks before we plant .. any thing would be appreciated . so here is some of the pics from today.


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looks great man. are they gonna be grown in bags? if so why did you choose this option? also strawberries will come back year after year so no need to re plant, also i would try to get the type that creates rhizomes as opposed to runners, they produce better and bigger IMO
there not bags, there empty at the bottom .. think cheap raised bed , they keep the water in (cuz it gets hell hot ova here and jan if the hottest season) also lets you individually feed ( the tank you see is not the main, its used if you need to feed all of them , or add microbes ;) , there is also chicken mesh under the bags which should keep away moles at least for the first year
ohh ya and we got the runner one too bad its already ordered , but there is another space we will be doing more, also am doing it in my rehabilitation space. so al check into getting other plants
I'm in awe. Instead of harvesting that field, I would come out with a red face and hands.
Only strawberry trick I know is to water them before(during?) a frost so the ice encapsulated the strawberry, protecting it.
What are you going to do with all those berries?
I've heard the first year they don't produce much and dont take any or it will hurt ur yield next season. Idk from personal experience though.
we have a large organic market to feed in a place called Karren , this guys plays middle man for lots of farmers, that way farmers don't get stressed and put on deadlines , so less cheating ( no hormones or chem nutes/pesticides in organic growing) but when farmers get pushed they cheat ;) also . thx for the info but . no frost here , just have to worry bout the rain and we might be doing a few carport style green houses over them next month
Kenya must be sweet.
The carports stop a monsoon? haha
I have to worry about hurricanes and the occasional frost. No big storms this year, but the frost is still to come, maybe. The weather this year has been waayyyy out of whack.
hehe i would think not lolz, but am not near the sea. am in a subsaharan desertish place . but we get mad rain over certain months and the blight just drops plants
Nice new thread Mugan. All about the berries. I love the 'cheap' raised beds. Can't wait to see how it all grows.
ohh ya and we got the runner one too bad its already ordered , but there is another space we will be doing more, also am doing it in my rehabilitation space. so al check into getting other plants

they stil work i just prefer the other type after growing them, could have been the variety of berry i had as well.

what are the ones you ordered called? i Cant wait to see what comes out of your feild.

we have more and more strawberry feilds popping up here in oregon, all the Mexicans are coming up from cali and farming our land now, the only thing is theri not organic so i dont see them making much
we planting em today .. well i already did my part so other ppl are planting as i smoke *big blunt* al update when there finished
they stil work i just prefer the other type after growing them, could have been the variety of berry i had as well.

what are the ones you ordered called? i Cant wait to see what comes out of your feild.

we have more and more strawberry feilds popping up here in oregon, all the Mexicans are coming up from cali and farming our land now, the only thing is theri not organic so i dont see them making much

i think we have some sort of june Bearing , but am not the one who picked them , al let you know when they come today . we are planting runners of course.
not much to up date, al do a better up date when the roots are established and there is some growth


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got some new growth on them, and you can see the water retention working on days like this, if the pic don't show it .. the sun is intense today all the soil that is in the open is crispy dry but the soil in the bags is very wet and its gone for like 1 week


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... there is also chicken mesh under the bags which should keep away moles at least for the first year

moles just eat worms and insects. they dont really do harm to plants. voles and gophers are the plant eating baddies