1000 Strawberries , Drip Irrigation semi Comertial

Fox squirrels? They leave fist sized holes around the base of your plants decimating the root system. They're giant tho'. Tasty as well.
I think those are voles. More pointy faced as where the gopher is more round. Haven't you seen Caddyshack?
Sounds like Gophers Mugan. Those little fucks can ruin some land so keep an eye on them. Good news is that they are very easy to trap and one you havea productive set it will keep killing multiple times without having to move it. you just reset the trap. Next time I would get everbearing for a longer harvest but you may get more production from your idk'. Looks like a real nice setup though and I hpe it goes well for ya. Curious, did you get the crown on the internet?
Thjey do tend to colonize an area but they all use the same runs so if you put a trap in one run and it catches one you can reset the same trap in the same active run and catch multiple gophers. Don't sit around watching them play in the field. I was not impressed with how much damage a gopher can do until I let them get going in my yard. I got impressed real fast. They just destroyed my lawn. Now I drop whatever I'm doing when I see an active burrow and set a trap.
thx , am trying to cop a trap . its hard to come by things here mostly for me cuz am new but al find some, al take a pic soon of the hole and show you guys .

well most of em got new vegetation, and al be weeding the area and maybe adding more to the irrigation kit, also mulching to help retain even more water ..(the heat is brutal right now )


that's one i planted in another spot bout 3 weeks before the others, she is rdy to fruit , the other is another close up
im debating an outdoor dwc (in a green house) with all my veggies and fruits for this year. looks good mug, keep em coming...
Yeah Mugs, looks pretty nice. Plants look healthey. Heat not a problem? With the plants I mean! Doesnt appear you lost any?
.. heat is definitely a problem, we put down exactly 980 plants we got about 600 that are good, most of them were lost, cuz of faulty drip lines but its fixed now, as soon as they get older and get runners . we will fill the rest up, it should also give us alternating harvests of a kind :) so that its a little continuous,
Oh Mugan...those look awesome. Still, can't get over the dark, lush, green of all your gardens. Just beautiful
thx, i try ;) .. but i think the work load is becoming a little to much :shock: i think i need one of those back pack sprayers or some thing , trying to spray down 980 plants is crazy , plus the ones in the Rproject and in the green house :shock: i need to optimize too , make some stuff automated
Is this something you're doing full time or just part time? Drip irrigation sucks for the most part for just that reason. Too hard to notice when it's not working properly and then you've lost or set back plants by the time you do notice, With berries I guess you have no real choice but man you really have to keep an eye on the water. I'd check that at least evey other day.
well its part time i guess , but it takes a good 4-5 hours of my day, but it makes a lot of money when you put the time in. cuz we sell to an organic market .
That's cool. I have plans to do the same myself but I have a major remodel going on at the moment so it won't be this season. Iwant to do hydeo lettuce and micro greens. At some point I will create a permaculture farm and hope to make a living doing that untill I can't
very nice very nice , i make a living from the plants too, well it contributes a lot to my income so am trying to see how much dough i can squeeze out the land i have and the tech i can find here . also hoping to pay for all upgrades with the product , BTw if you get any threads going let me know , ad luv to still some ideas ;)
on some plants more than others,, still got one big job left , (mulching) and got to figure out some stuff with the drip .. having technical difficulties
010710-0132.jpg010710-0132(001).jpg mulching , .. very slowly (Lazy) i figure the plants don't care if they get mulched a week later, this should make sure the roots retain water long enough for me to do some thing if something goes wrong with the drip. (still working on that )

010710-0132(002).jpg NO mulch :0

, some running ;)