1000 hps


Well-Known Member
Hey Al B mentioned that the newer type Electronic meters have the ability to be quiered remotely to see how much leccy is being pulled at any given moment..

Been doing some research, and here is my conclusion.

Think about this logically, they query me at 3 a.m, and see that 5 kw is being pulled for that hour..

Get it!!!

It is real and actually logical, No I know you are all like comon just pay your power bills and blah blah blah.

But you guys dont have these new meters and this is a new logical tactic that can be employed by police...

Believe it or not its real fellers....

yea these new meters scare me they can get a lot of information out of u with it
like how everyday around 12 u start using 3kw

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I have one! elctronic meter that is, can they tell from this where 4kw of leccy is going in the house???
Not where- but when. They may be able to retrieve a load profile which might indicate how much current was being drawn through the meter at a given time of day. There's no facility to indicate how the current is distributed throughout the house.

u think so then y do ppl usually steel electricity when they use more then 3 hps lights
'cos they're stupid!

whoever steals electricity for 3 hps lights are dumb!

plain and simple!

Stealing electricity alone is beyond stupid and is a very fast way to get busted.

3 bedroom house should be fine with 3k total usage
If you're paying your bill, no one will care. I'd be OK with 4kW in an ordinary house- a lot of homes will be at their upper limit of mains load between 4kW & the rest of the house.


Active Member
ganjagoddess is on to something with these "smart meters" that they will soon be installing all over the country. they will be able to monitor your usage in 15 min increments. a big spike for 12 hours a day every day will stick out like a sore thumb and with all this data being collected, it would be all too easy to print out a list of these people and give it to the cops. they would be foolish not to do this since they will be getting the data anyway. i think this is gonna make for some major changes in us indoor grower's way of doing things in the future. we are just now beginning to see this new and terrible problem emerge. Fuck! this is not good!


Well-Known Member
guess you will have to use two flower rooms at alternating shifts to keep that power usage nice and steady :D


Well-Known Member
guess you will have to use two flower rooms at alternating shifts to keep that power usage nice and steady :D

hahahahahah felt like shouting sorry, thats what we decided to do.

Just relay the lights no need for new ballasts, just lights and reflectors.


Active Member
that is a very good idea! pretty ingenious yall!!! ive been looking for an excuse to get another light and i think i will do just that. one question: can a 1000 digital ballast handle being "on" 24/7? what do you use to "switch" the same ballast between 2 different lamps? man, sometimes the simplest solutions really ARE the best. im kicking myself for not having thought of that on my own... looks like i was shitting bricks for nothing! good work my fellow farmers :mrgreen:


Active Member
Holy shit GG that controller is awesome! it even ramdomizes the switching time a little every day! just what i need! ive never seen one of those. thanx!

ps. you got 895 bucks i could borrow?!


Well-Known Member
It is actually very simple device when you think about it, its just relays, with a built in timer.

The first link details how it is done, but not much in ways of how to build a relay for this.

Ill see if I can find something that can explain relays a little better.


Active Member
the electric company will supply you with as much as you want they want to make money stealing greed just pay on time everytime good growin

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Several people have said it, including myself- power companies are businesses. They don't care how much power you use as long as you pay in full, on time, every time. You're just a good customer. No power company will review their customers' usage and turn you in to the cops, of their own volition. Power usage alone is also not nearly enough for most judges to issue a search warrant.

When you see a news item on some grower getting busted, you'll also usually find out that the grower was doing some really suspicious shit, up to and including putting up their own pole to carry a drop from the pole to the house. Stupid fucks.

Fear your neighbours, not the power company. The nosy neighbours DO see what's going on.

$40/mo for a 1000 running 12h/day is about right if your power cost is about $0.11/kWh. (12 hours x 1 kW = 12kWh, 12kWh x .11/kWh = $1.32/day, $1.32 x 30 days = $39.60/mo)

As several have said, avoid getting the electronic meter if you have a choice in the matter.

And before you ask, I had a lovely South Pacific island holiday, thanks. :)