1000 hps

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
If run only on the gen, the op uses about $35 worth of gas per month. Something like 2cu metres/hr (~78Mj) avg @ 1.5c/Megajoule.

This is not a DIY installation. You'll need a competent, qualified gasfitter. If you install a big gennie in an urban environment where power interruptions are rare or brief, expect to raise suspicions, as will the noise. It's not a good solution for everyone.

I would not be installing a gennie to run a 3kW op. If I didn't need one due to poor AC mains reliability in my rural location, I would not have one. I just chose a rather bigger gennie than I absolutely needed to run the house.
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Well-Known Member
Al B, are you saying the electronic meters can be quired to see what power the part of the house is in?

I have one! elctronic meter that is, can they tell from this where 4kw of leccy is going in the house???


Well-Known Member
just pay your bills on time people, i doubt anyone on here besides an elite few are using enough power to raise an eye brow. I see these questions and just laugh, why would a company (a for-profit company) care when someone uses more of there product? if anything i think you might get a call if you dropped off the grid all together one month. If you are paying them on time and not pulling a crazy amount of power you shouldn't be worrying about your electrical footprint.


Well-Known Member
just pay your bills on time people, i doubt anyone on here besides an elite few are using enough power to raise an eye brow. I see these questions and just laugh, why would a company (a for-profit company) care when someone uses more of there product? if anything i think you might get a call if you dropped off the grid all together one month. If you are paying them on time and not pulling a crazy amount of power you shouldn't be worrying about your electrical footprint.

u think so then y do ppl usually steel electricity when they use more then 3 hps lights
and when ur saying crazy amount what do u think is a crazy amount like 6 kw for 18hours/day something like that


Well-Known Member
whoever steals electricity for 3 hps lights are dumb!

plain and simple!

true dat even if they where using 18 hours a day with the 3 lights it still wouldnt be to bad

but i wonder what the electricty companies think is the theshold for how much u can use


Well-Known Member
give or take 1k watts per bedroom

i.e. 3 bedroom house should be fine with 3k total usage

yea that makes sense 1k per room , or a little bit more per room
that sounds bout right
u think they know how many rooms are in ur house are the square area


Well-Known Member
they know the average usage...and the usage of the house before you moved in....

previous usage or something they call it.

its also public information as well


Well-Known Member
stealing electricity is what gets people busted not using electricity and then paying for it. Trust me electric companies love it when your bill goes up, and they have no interest in your indoor gardening habits.

Al B that link for that generator comes with some pretty terrible reviews. You haven't had any problems? Why do you think that so many others have had problems? Just curious, sounds like a pretty decent idea, I'm planning on moving out to the country very soon and would like to know more about these generators.


Well-Known Member
they know the average usage...and the usage of the house before you moved in....

previous usage or something they call it.

its also public information as well
really never heard of that what if the person that lived in the house before u ,is the type that barely uses an electricty

but a friend once told me that as soon as u move in turn all the lights and that way they think u use that much electricty all the time , instead of 4 months down the road turning them and them cing a spike in the electrcity


Well-Known Member
u think so then y do ppl usually steel electricity when they use more then 3 hps lights
and when ur saying crazy amount what do u think is a crazy amount like 6 kw for 18hours/day something like that
People steal electricity cause they dont want to pay for it.... did i really need to answer that... people what more profit and less overhead.... its pretty simple business theory, lower your operating cost and you make more money. People growing for profit are the ones who steal power, not joe smo medical grower using a couple 1000 watt HID's.


Well-Known Member
People steal electricity cause they dont want to pay for it.... did i really need to answer that... people what more profit and less overhead.... its pretty simple business theory, lower your operating cost and you make more money. People growing for profit are the ones who steal power, not joe smo medical grower using a couple 1000 watt HID's.

yea well they can stil make profit of 3 lights, i think thats just called greed


Well-Known Member
really never heard of that what if the person that lived in the house before u ,is the type that barely uses an electricty

but a friend once told me that as soon as u move in turn all the lights and that way they think u use that much electricty all the time , instead of 4 months down the road turning them and them cing a spike in the electrcity
look it up if you dont blv me....or call your electricity company....

they will tell you its public domain.... regardless if the previous tenant was using no power or max power....


Well-Known Member
look it up if you dont blv me....or call your electricity company....

they will tell you its public domain.... regardless if the previous tenant was using no power or max power....

i believer u but what do u mean by regardless if the previous tenant was using no power or max power


Well-Known Member
The do keep track of typical usage, but this is only so that they can work out standard payment setups for households. Many people don't pay there electric bills in full every month, they just pay a flat fee every month that throughout the year is supposed to add pretty closely to what your actual bill is. If you are over or under you pay the rest or get the money back. They keep track incase you are going over or under by a significant amount so that they can then change your monthly bill.


Well-Known Member
Hey Al B mentioned that the newer type Electronic meters have the ability to be quiered remotely to see how much leccy is being pulled at any given moment..

Been doing some research, and here is my conclusion.

Think about this logically, they query me at 3 a.m, and see that 5 kw is being pulled for that hour..

Get it!!!

It is real and actually logical, No I know you are all like comon just pay your power bills and blah blah blah.

But you guys dont have these new meters and this is a new logical tactic that can be employed by police...

Believe it or not its real fellers....