10 years Jail time- Video of getting a 7year old high


Well-Known Member
Just found this video and article online...
What you guys think?
Personally, i have no idea why she would let this happen to her son while she just watches, and then further scold the child when he was wanting attention. 10 years is a little stiff, but now i hope people will take smoking around children more serious...


Well-Known Member
That little boy was reaching out to give that woman a kiss and a hug....Reaching out for affection.

WTF, I think she should of gotten 30 years...what a skanky BITCH.


Well-Known Member
WOW!!! what a fucking bitch! dammn thats some shit, 10 years for letting your friend blow smoke in your kids face! this bitch is another reason its not LEGAL to smoke marijuana! im gonna write her! and let her know shes a fucking idiot. and then the video wasnt even leaked out, the computer was repossessed by an electronics store, what a fuckin loser bitch can even afford a computer! geeez this world is fucked up!


Well-Known Member
fuck that.. you don;t blow smoke in a kid's face, what tha fuck? 10 years isn't enough.. you don;t fuckin expose kid's to that shit, what are y'all fuckin brain damaged from smoking too much?


Well-Known Member
thats absolutely fucking discusting, filthy pieces of shit scum!!

now unfit parents are giving mj a bad name


Well-Known Member
STOP IT - did you hear that guys... ^^ rofl ! what an idiot !

Well i oughta fucking slap her !


Well-Known Member
That kid wasn't reaching for his mom. He was resting his head on the table. That part is the news just blowing it out of proportion. What she did was fucked up but she could of very well of been tellin her kid (Who has down syndrome) not to eat something off the table.


Well-Known Member
The World Is Full Of Sorry People. Maybe Now He Will Be With Someone Who Will Look After Him. 10 Year's Not Enough. Just My 2Cent's.


Well-Known Member
That kid wasn't reaching for his mom. He was resting his head on the table. That part is the news just blowing it out of proportion. What she did was fucked up but she could of very well of been tellin her kid (Who has down syndrome) not to eat something off the table.
still, down syndrome or not, the kid should not have been exposed to marijuana like that so early in his life. He has obviously already faced developmental issues, (down syndrome) and being influenced to marijuana so early could only future tarnish his future. Marijuana should not be treated as a joke, especially around youngsters...


Well-Known Member
still, down syndrome or not, the kid should not have been exposed to marijuana like that so early in his life. He has obviously already faced developmental issues, (down syndrome) and being influenced to marijuana so early could only future tarnish his future. Marijuana should not be treated as a joke, especially around youngsters...

yeah that kid could've really made something out of his life now he's never gonna get better than bronze in the special olympics


Well-Known Member
are yall serious? waw smoke was blown in his face he was high for an hour or two yall think thats worth 10 years in prison???
even thought I think they really are stupid people for taping that like wtf were they thinking? but idk I think 3-4 years would of been enought
the kid wont have a mother now for 10 years... because her friend got him high for 2 hours or so.


Well-Known Member
I know. I agree with you. I just think the media is fucked up for trying to turn this girl into the devil. What I'm saying is she could of been trying to keep her kid from smashing his head into the table, and the media takes that and trys to portray her as someone that hates there kid to get ratings up.


Well-Known Member
i know what you guys are saying, but look at the moms face after she scolds the kid.. shes looks like shes having fun with this..


Well-Known Member
[Lucas];2465715 said:
Why capitalize every first letter of a word?
Alot of forums do that when you try to write in all caps, dunno about this one but maybe.

I think this sentence is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Yes she should not have let that happen, but come on 10 years for that... Prison isnt going to help anything..


The mother shouldnt have let ANOTHER person do shit around her child.
10 years is a joke..they are making a spectacle of her...BUT it might make other people think twice about doing this.

If you are a guest at someones house and they even hint that you should blow smoke into their kids face you need to leave...IF that kid has a mental disorder, and the parent or caregiver is telling you to mess with their already potentially unstable mind, you need to let someone know.

That being said...what the FUCK was the computer store doing going through her computer. It was repossessed PRIVACY and I would hope company policy would dictate you format the computer NOT go through it.

Now dont get me wrong..I bet there was a 18 year old teenager working in the shop...he was supposed to be restoring the comp to original settings, with a fresh install and clean hard drive...Its not hard to run a quick search before he does that...you know hes looking for home made porn...Yes I have worked at pc stores, and Ive even fired a guy for doing exactly this. (well he was copying down stored usernames and passwords for websites the customers were subscribed to)

I tell you people, if you put your computer into a shop DONT HAVE ANYTHING ON THERE YOU DONT WANT PEOPLE TO SEE. Saved credit card details...I hope nobody is that silly. Home porn...well yea heaps of people have it...burn it to a dvd or get an external hard drive enclosure...and one that is relevant for us on this site:

Morals are gone from this world...These days kids run the streets pulling girls skirts up panties down and recording it to STRANGERS. I mean yea ive seen the movies of it, and it was a giggle...but the poor victims must be mortified.

I just dont want to hear about someone going to prison cuz a computer store found 350 images and 70 videos of an illegal grow op when the guy put his pc in to get his antivirus updated. (yes, people bring their computers in for that lol).

If you work with other peoples personal computers try to show a little respect...sometimes theres folders right there on the desktop with really enticing names...you have to control yourself and do what you were paid to do...lol

all in all the computer shop had no right. The hardware was theirs, but the files this lady created, as in pics, written info and other stuff like that belong to the lady. Im not sure how they used this video as evidence..perhaps she signed a waiver saying they could go thru it and keep anything on it?

If you need to give a computer back put the recovery disk in, restart, follow instructions on screen. DELETE THE PARTITION when it asks, then format (not quic, full). Then reinstall windows, drivers and utilities.

BAh sorry i know ive missed the point of this thread...I just hate that kids these days think its ok to go thru other peoples computers...I've lost good workers to this invasion of privacy.



Well-Known Member
The mother shouldnt have let ANOTHER person do shit around her child.
10 years is a joke..they are making a spectacle of her...BUT it might make other people think twice about doing this.

If you are a guest at someones house and they even hint that you should blow smoke into their kids face you need to leave...IF that kid has a mental disorder, and the parent or caregiver is telling you to mess with their already potentially unstable mind, you need to let someone know.

That being said...what the FUCK was the computer store doing going through her computer. It was repossessed PRIVACY and I would hope company policy would dictate you format the computer NOT go through it.

Now dont get me wrong..I bet there was a 18 year old teenager working in the shop...he was supposed to be restoring the comp to original settings, with a fresh install and clean hard drive...Its not hard to run a quick search before he does that...you know hes looking for home made porn...Yes I have worked at pc stores, and Ive even fired a guy for doing exactly this. (well he was copying down stored usernames and passwords for websites the customers were subscribed to)

I tell you people, if you put your computer into a shop DONT HAVE ANYTHING ON THERE YOU DONT WANT PEOPLE TO SEE. Saved credit card details...I hope nobody is that silly. Home porn...well yea heaps of people have it...burn it to a dvd or get an external hard drive enclosure...and one that is relevant for us on this site:

Morals are gone from this world...These days kids run the streets pulling girls skirts up panties down and recording it to STRANGERS. I mean yea ive seen the movies of it, and it was a giggle...but the poor victims must be mortified.

I just dont want to hear about someone going to prison cuz a computer store found 350 images and 70 videos of an illegal grow op when the guy put his pc in to get his antivirus updated. (yes, people bring their computers in for that lol).

If you work with other peoples personal computers try to show a little respect...sometimes theres folders right there on the desktop with really enticing names...you have to control yourself and do what you were paid to do...lol

all in all the computer shop had no right. The hardware was theirs, but the files this lady created, as in pics, written info and other stuff like that belong to the lady. Im not sure how they used this video as evidence..perhaps she signed a waiver saying they could go thru it and keep anything on it?

If you need to give a computer back put the recovery disk in, restart, follow instructions on screen. DELETE THE PARTITION when it asks, then format (not quic, full). Then reinstall windows, drivers and utilities.

BAh sorry i know ive missed the point of this thread...I just hate that kids these days think its ok to go thru other peoples computers...I've lost good workers to this invasion of privacy.

In a computer shop I would agree that if a PC is repoed it needs to be wiped before anything else. I on the other hand work with computers owned by my company and rented to the State. I am required to investigate for any 'inappropriate' files on computers. In 5 years I've found child porn, personal porn, stolen credit card information, and two videos of personnel getting high. All except the stoned videos and personal porn I informed my supervisor about. The two videos and private porn I carefully informed the people to NOT ever put that stuff on my computers because I don't want to have to turn them in or have someone else turn them in.

As far as this person. I don't care how stoned I was I probably would have beat the living shit out of the woman who shotgunned the kid. First the kid has mental damage, second he's 7! I started smoking at 13 of my own intent. At 7 years old I consider this child abuse. I have major moral issues with displaying any kind of habit around kids. My parents would occasionally drink, but I never saw in the inside of a bar until I was almost 16.

The bottom line is that the mom should have made sure that her kid was in bed before anyone started smoking up. My wife and I have smoked in a house where kids were present, they were all but barricaded in their rooms and it was well past their bed times, so in theory they were asleep.

If someone even hinted at thinking of doing this to my kid I'd get a jail sentence too, but it wouldn't be for child abuse. I simply won't stand for someone inflicting this kind of damage on a kid.

At the age of 10 kids brains are still developing, while there's no research saying that there's negative effects on brain development for people under 15 there's also no research saying that it's 'ok.' I don't think it did any damage to me when I was 13 since I'm college educated and have a very successful life, but still 7 years old ... sorry the woman who hotboxed the kid should get the chair and the mom should get life on a desert island with no food, water or weed.

Top it all off how do you think videos like this effect the legalization efforts? All the prohibition people have to say to slow it down is, "look at what marijuana makes people do" and show that video. For hindering legalization efforts I think the desert island should be populated with fire ants too!
