10 frames per second with a Nikon D500 and 500mm lens

A friend was here for a few days with his Nikon gear (bunch of lenses and bodies), and we were blessed with the conditions. As an added bonus, the Golden Hours (1 hr after sunrise and 1 hr before sunset) coincided with the morning and evening low tides, so lots of shore birds flitting about...here are some egret shots in the evening Golden Hour. flattest light you can imagine...

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Osprey cooperating nicely...these will be headed south soon. I found a website that tracks the migration of several of these that have been fitted with GPS transmitters. Some go as far south as Costa Rica. at the same time they are migrating southward out off this area, the eagles start to return from the north...cool how that works...

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Amazing as always buddy, I'm a huge fan of the raptors. The pic of the osprey with the fish where you can see how big the talons are is awesome. Love the eagles especially but herons are impressive in size too. They just have a really weird call, actually both of them do.