10 blueberry kush just started flower...INDOOR ORGANIC


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I kinda initiated it, my apologizes.

Unless you see any signs of powdery mildew, no pruning necessary. Looks to be at 101%


Well-Known Member
I got two 8" fans on the floor at each end on a high setting slightly pointed up for the co2 and they get good air movement, But there is good amount of growth getting air but no light. So next grow I will cut allot more growth from the inside and some up. I also have a dehumidifyer to keep the RH in check at 40%, a $150.00 wellllll spent.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, totally agree there... $150 for never having to worry about opening up the doors and having to kick yourself in the ass. You don't seem to be someone who needs much advice just encouraging comments. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Wow man... That's looking very nice. Those are going to be so freaking nice when it's all done. They already look like some fat colas, and just think the serious fattening phase hasn't really kicked in yet. Can't wait!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
nutrient deficiencies showing id add something like a 3 4 7 npk at 1000 ppm to get rid of that
No... That's just how it looks with his camera when the lights are on. They would look completely different if he pulled them out and took a picture.
He is using an all organic tea mixture that he makes.

You should read it from the beginning, it's a very well thought out grow and he definitely knows what's going on.

I hope this doesn't come across as me trying to sound like a dick, as this is not my intention. :bigjoint:


Active Member
clean setup and good lookin plants whodat!

how many times do you think you topped each plant to get them bushy like that?

im topping my new growth about once a week right now...not sure if thats too much


Well-Known Member
I found a shower base in the ally this morning and decide to put it to use. I flushed all the plants 2-gal each at half strength to clear all of the five day old anaerobic tea my helper decided to give them while I was out of town. I also added a lil extra blackstrap to the fresh brew. The smell seems to be getting danker and danker every day. I'v spent the entire day with the ladies so lets get to the pics!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
clean setup and good lookin plants whodat!

how many times do you think you topped each plant to get them bushy like that?

im topping my new growth about once a week right now...not sure if thats too much
I cant remember but I think each plant was toped 4-6 times but I did more supper cropping than topping, I also did a little LST by hand every day during veg. About a week before I switched to 12/12 I completely stopped all training besides tying them down to spread out. When I switched the light cycle theY were 18" tall and now on day 31- 12/12 they average 23". !?!?!?!?!?!?!FIVE INCHES?!?!?!?!?!?


Active Member
thanks for the info..gotta look more into supercropping now..looks like you could get up to 8oz off some of those plants