10 blueberry kush just started flower...INDOOR ORGANIC


Well-Known Member
If you could... Would you please take a photo of how you access your grow room. I know it is sealed and I was wondering how you did your door.
Here ya go Cola. The black strip is weather striping and I use the 2x4 and latches to reeeeeeeeely keep the door pressed firmly against the frame and striping.



Well-Known Member
Thank you SIR!!! That definitely does the trick. Even have the extra particle board strips there I see. Gave me some extra ideas man, THANKS!

Have you ever posted your recipe for your "tea" or where you got yours from? You just use that right? No nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Never mind I found it... But here it is for everyone else. Please tweak as needed "whodat".

My soil is a mix of FFOF, earthworm castings, perlite, powderizd dol lime.
I use 2/3 cup of
Peruvian seabird guano
Jamaican bat guano
Worm castings.
5 tbs of maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract.
I also add 5 tbs of liquid karma
5 tbs blackstrap molasses.
Mix into 5 gallons of dechlorinated water.
I let it brew for two days and then use.
This is the flower mix I use with every watering. The veg mix is the same except for 1/3 cup of each and instead of jamaican bat guano use Mexican.


Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I was done with my time machine... Those buds are going to be magnificent

Are your AC units stacked one over the other or what? I've only seen the one in the pictures. I'm definitely going to build something like this, it seems to work very well. I'm jealous at the moment. :joint:

Have you seen this one? **MYGTO2007** He did a nice job as well.


Well-Known Member
whoa those are really taken off.
I cant believe thats only ten plants haha. I think you need more space for those trees. But its working really good with the co2 and the Ac.
You would get more weed if you had more sqaure footage. They are getting so much light. Its going to be some trips forsure. +rep


Well-Known Member
Holy shit man the grow room is looking fucking great. The buds are really starting to come together now. Keep it up, your harvest is going to be tremendous. Finally got my journal updated, swing by if you can.