1 male and 1 female.... I think

It's true that this was a question that could have been easily answered with a mere 30 second Google Image search. But as the Arabs like to say: When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its tip in honey. In these regards, you're both right and you're both wrong. Now move on.
First grow from bag seed,but first grow nonetheless. I think I've been doing pretty good. I get ocd about things I like to do, I previously had saltwater tanks and just got bored of them. Now it's on to growing and I love it. I started with these and just began to randomly began planting and reading.
First grow from bag seed,but first grow nonetheless. I think I've been doing pretty good. I get ocd about things I like to do, I previously had saltwater tanks and just got bored of them. Now it's on to growing and I love it. I started with these and just began to randomly began planting and reading.
That's basically what happened to me. I have around 30 seeds from various bags. Accumulated in like 18 months. Pulled them out one day and was like.. DAMN that's a lot of money I've spent I gotta try something else. And just like that I began 2 plants, 1 turned out male so cut him up. But the other is doing quite well.
Yea I kinda got tired of buying trash from people and knew I could grow my own that is better with some research and patience. Soon a seed bank purchase will happen then I'll really be rolling.
I fail to see how saying you grew some healthy green plants and that you grow good weed is bashing you in any way.

if you took some time to read around RIU...you will see 2 things.1. that I am extremely willing to help and encourage new growers...ask ANY member. Second, You will also see many examples of male and female plants. Then you would have known the difference instead of being one of countless many and asking questions that should not need to be asked.
Don't worry man, nothing here reflects badly on you. I was a little stunned for a moment there.

@Roll_that_shmoke your plants look good man, both the girl and the obvious male, but I just can not see how you took any offence there. I'm not even gonna finish reading the thread and I normally wouldn't even bother engaging with you but that was out of order man, I just don't get it, I try to see things from everyone's point of view, get shit for it sometimes, but I just can't see how you were insulted to that degree by what bkb posted, like he was really nice? He told you that, from looking at your lovely plants, if you put the work in you could be a really good grower, and you were a twat in response and I just can't see what triggered you?
I won't even waste time on another offended heart. Take it how you like on a post, twat. I mean if you really that hurt then.... Stop responding to me. Saying something nice followed by a ass of a response is the dumb thing. Simple.
Questions are a good thing and can be very helpful...when the answer is accepted in the manner it was given...graciously. And after all that B.S. if you have questions and I can be of help...feel free to ask. If not that's cool...I am not an all knowing all growing guru. I am just another guy trying to cultivate medicine as best as he can. :peace:
I fail to see how saying you grew some healthy green plants and that you grow good weed is bashing you in any way.

if you took some time to read around RIU...you will see 2 things.1. that I am extremely willing to help and encourage new growers...ask ANY member. Second, You will also see many examples of male and female plants. Then you would have known the difference instead of being one of countless many and asking questions that should not need to be asked.

I agree here on all parts.