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  1. Madmax121

    Weird browning have I over done it?

    Have backed right of the nutes now on day 38 they seem to be going ik defiently frosting up & putting some weight on
  2. Madmax121

    What's your take?? More food??

    do any of you guys use pk booster? if so for how long? also do you use epsom sats?
  3. Madmax121

    What's your take?? More food??

    yea leaning towards that as i have feed twice since this post nothing seems to have gotten worse besides the purple on a few leaf's fingers crossed. seem to be filling out alright
  4. Madmax121

    What deficiency is this????

    Shit i only just realized that this post posted multiple times. was not aware it done that
  5. Madmax121

    What's your take?? More food??

    using goliath nutes quite new to this product does certainly seems a lot higher than what i use to use general A + B 7ml litre and there is a veg & flower booster. they start at 3ml & work way up to 9ml late flower i was feeding 3 quarter strength once a week every couple of weeks swapping that...
  6. Madmax121

    What deficiency is this????

    What would be your course of action if you had this?
  7. Madmax121

    What deficiency is this????

    Yeh just trying to get some input as I'm still quite new to this & would rather not muck it up so far in
  8. Madmax121

    What deficiency is this????

    Hi. Have grollia zkittles & bubba Kush near end of week 4 of flower starting to get some issues appearing. They are in 30l pots canna soil.feed every second watering currently water every 3 days. 2 600w hps & a small led. I am leaning towards deficiency as have not got noticeable burn on leaf...
  9. Madmax121

    Weird browning have I over done it?

    Took these of an hour ago. Mainly mid & top plant is occurring on some new growth & old aswell as the odd bottom 1
  10. Madmax121

    Weird browning have I over done it?

    Getting some damage on the newer leafs mid plant same with bigger leafs. Mid to lower plant the browning on them leafs has just started showing up. A few om them seem to be browning/dying from tips will get more pics this evening. Just cover all basis before anyrhing esclates. I have just backed...
  11. Madmax121

    Weird browning have I over done it?

    Have just given them a good water last couple of days if no improvement will give them a good feed
  12. Madmax121

    Weird browning have I over done it?

    Hi guys 2 days from end of week 4 this issue has just started last couple of days but is moving fast. Gorilla skittles & bubba Kush in soil under 2 600w hps & a small led have been light on feeds getting it roughly every 6 days & water on 3rd day in bewteen however they are decent size & have...
  13. Madmax121

    What's your take?? More food??

    Hi guys 2 days from end of week 4 this issue has just started last couple of days but is moving fast. Gorilla skittles & bubba Kush in soil under 2 600w hps & a small led have been light on feeds getting it roughly every 6 days & water on 3rd day in bewteen however they are decent size & have...
  14. Madmax121

    Light colour, dying tips and spots over a few leafs

    Hi guys. Have a few grollia zkittkes & a couple of buba kush so i have been told. In 30l pots in canna soil a couple in slightly smaller pots. 2m bi 2m tent with 2 600w hps & a small led. They are 2 days in to flower i am starting to see a few issues vary bewteen plants. Most look ok overall...
  15. Madmax121

    Deficiency or lock out late veg 1st day flower tomorrow

    Yeh have never been 1 to check ph to often generally is pretty good. Usally no issues. Can be picky when i see little issues try get on them before anything else happens. Yep they dry out well bewteen. Backing of the nutes should do the trick hopfully. Still getting good growth out of them
  16. Madmax121

    Deficiency or lock out late veg 1st day flower tomorrow

    This is them around 22 days ago
  17. Madmax121

    Deficiency or lock out late veg 1st day flower tomorrow

    Hi guys open to any input. Currently on roughly week 6 of veg 1st day of flower tomorrow. Grollia zkittles but I think there may be a couple of buba kush in there. Currently in soil in 30l pots. Have only feed nutes around 3 times through out veg & thrive fish mix twice. However is quite a new...