Weird browning have I over done it?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys 2 days from end of week 4 this issue has just started last couple of days but is moving fast. Gorilla skittles & bubba Kush in soil under 2 600w hps & a small led have been light on feeds getting it roughly every 6 days & water on 3rd day in bewteen however they are decent size & have not had burnt tips so leaning towards they may be hungry. run these strains last round with no issues at all however they were quite a bit smaller



Well-Known Member
Have just given them a good water last couple of days if no improvement will give them a good feed

Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
Everything looks so green and lucious…are you sure its not an ”odd” problem like air circulation or humidity/moisture within dense parts of the canopy?

Edit : And if it’s a nutrient issue, could it be tied to nitrogen toxicity since the leafs look so green/dark? I just have alot to learn but, I’m just throwing some guesses out there. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Getting some damage on the newer leafs mid plant same with bigger leafs. Mid to lower plant the browning on them leafs has just started showing up. A few om them seem to be browning/dying from tips will get more pics this evening. Just cover all basis before anyrhing esclates. I have just backed of nutes if they dont like that will give them a good feed


Well-Known Member
Took these of an hour ago. Mainly mid & top plant is occurring on some new growth & old aswell as the odd bottom 1



Well-Known Member
Have backed right of the nutes now on day 38 they seem to be going ik defiently frosting up & putting some weight on

