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  1. S

    4 weeks Flower - Bagseed - dirt- FAN Leaves need help!

    I gotcha. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm going to get some more pictures of her up here real soon. She is looking beautiful but I feel that she has better potential if we can figure her out.
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    DWC from clone - 3 weeks NEED HELP! yellow + dying

    I'm starting to understand now, thanks a bunch Bluejeans. That's some good info!
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    4 weeks Flower - Bagseed - dirt- FAN Leaves need help!

    My neighbors plant is loooooking great!!!!! it's HUGE! I am 6'6' tall, and this thing looks me right in the eyes, maybe even taller then me. Either way, I have a picture of one of his fan leaves, maybe someone can pinpoint the problem so I can rely the information to him. +reppp He is...
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    DWC from clone - 3 weeks NEED HELP! yellow + dying

    Bluejeans thanks for the info. So then I should have PPM meter coming on her way here shortly also. What is a desired ppm for the plant? And how would I be able to adjust the ppm per say its at 300 or 1000? Is there some sort of solution for that or does just adding Nutrients fluctuate it?
  5. S

    DWC from clone - 3 weeks NEED HELP! yellow + dying

    Awesome man I think I have already read through that a few times hahah. We learn to much from this site because of people like you it's great. This one is even cheaper, does that mean it blows?
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    DWC from clone - 3 weeks NEED HELP! yellow + dying

    I gotcha now, thanks! Think this would be suitable?
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    DWC from clone - 3 weeks NEED HELP! yellow + dying

    Thanks for quick response! Yea I'm worried about putting the nutrients in there until that pH meter comes. And Can I even sort the pH with the up and down stuff i got from the PetStore? I do have the GH grow, mirco, and bloom. And no.. I don't have a ppm meter, guess I'm in serious need of...
  8. S

    DWC from clone - 3 weeks NEED HELP! yellow + dying

    :joint: Hello rollitup community :joint: When it comes to growing, you guys know it all, so I'm positive you can help me out here, +rep if ya can!! When I recieved the clone she was about 1 1/2 weeks old. I vegged for another week then topped her. Downhill since with yellow and burnt...
  9. S

    CFL - DWC - 3 weeks from clone. yellow/burned leaves

    now there turning crispy and brown and completely dying off. I changed rez... don't know what else to do. I have some pH up and down just no tester still hah
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    Pruning help

    Yeah dude she's looking super healthy!!! Keep it up
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    nitrogen deficiency?

    How much epsom salt?? my cfl DWC plant is looking quite simlar with the green/yellow two tone leaves. Ive got a 10 gal rubbermaid bin.
  12. S

    CFL - DWC - 3 weeks from clone. yellow/burned leaves

    Hey RIU community. My 3 week old baby is showing stress signs and I don't know what to do. Unfortunately no pictures!!! I'm on a tight budget also, thus I don't have a pH meter... I think this is my biggest problem. 150 watts bright white CFL's 10 gal rubbermaid 2 airstones 3 weeks old...
  13. S

    Her name is Faith. After I top, can you clone that top?

    hell yeah! haha that's exactly the one I'm using now, two of them should do just fine for what I need.
  14. S

    Her name is Faith. After I top, can you clone that top?

    Yeah, yall are completely right. That's what I'm going to have to do, just put some different buckets in there. Didn't want to have to get a stronger air pump but that's inevitable. I just like to use what I have... kinda thrifty Thanks for the input guys
  15. S

    Weird question on a theory

    hahah i can tell you got an extremely open mind. that's a good thing, smoke on brother!:peace:
  16. S

    high ph

    I've seen these tablets from the pet store that dissolve and change the pH to around 7.0, are those any good or consistent? (even though I'm sure you want a lower pH then 7...)
  17. S

    Her name is Faith. After I top, can you clone that top?

    haha I'm pretty sure I was stoned and paranoid when I posted that... they grow basically the same though so either or right?? :mrgreen: Here is another question though: What If I used some sort of rooting gel on some cuttings?(rooting gel vs. the rooting powder, since I'm assuming the mother...
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    Her name is Faith. After I top, can you clone that top?

    Thank you for all the information fellas!
  19. S

    Her name is Faith. After I top, can you clone that top?

    Thanks for the input. So Ill just put the cutting in a different system. But actually why is that? Does my mother plant not want any of that rooting formula (would hurt her?)
  20. S

    Her name is Faith. After I top, can you clone that top?

    Hey rol community! I think this is my first post over but I have been reading shit on this site for the past few years. Bunch of smart dudes I tell ya. Anyways: I'm growing one tomato plant in a 10 Gal. Rubbermaid bin. She's a few weeks olds, not even exactly how old, but she is healthy...