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  1. ironhammers

    Blue Widow Seedling Yellowing fast! PIC

    nice link man!!!! Shall be bookmarking that one!!! And the pics on there of nute burn do look kinda similar to how it started out, hope i'm right and can get this lil lady back on the road!
  2. ironhammers

    Blue Widow Seedling Yellowing fast! PIC

    BUMP!!!! Still having trouble, bottom leaves are now almost white!!! (see pic) I think the soil may have had nutes in, therefore giving me some burn, think i'll be doing a flush and then transplanting into a bigger pot with different soil. Would like a bit of feedback tho guys!!! What do you...
  3. ironhammers

    help me find this song!!!

    late reply here, but i never watched it on the net, just know it from my younger years!!! But have never Known the way! By the way, if this bumps my age old thread, then I would still love to know what this song is called lol!!!
  4. ironhammers

    Blue Widow Seedling Yellowing fast! PIC

    This is about a week old seedling, Blue Widow Strain, its turning yellow fast and also has kinda brown spots that look like burn! Setup: Soil + Perlite 125W CFL Only been given pure water, left open for 24 hours and ph'd to as close to 6.5 as possible. This is my Second Grow, think I was...
  5. ironhammers

    help me find this song!!!

    Lol some funky tracks bein thrown at me here, but still not the one I want!?!? keep em coming! Does anybosy else even recognise the song/video that I'm talking about? Even if they don't know the title?
  6. ironhammers

    HELP!!! 4 weeks in2 flowering timer broke plant had extra 4 hours of light!!!

    Yeah she will be just fine, I'm sure, unless she's wearin a watch? :-P Roll one up and chill out man, I'm only in my first grow atm, about the same stage as you are, but i learnt early on that panicking about problems only makes them worse! And thanks to all the reassurance on this forum, I've...
  7. ironhammers

    help me find this song!!!

    Lol na not the one, it has a kinda stupid voice saying ba ba bing etc. but no actual words
  8. ironhammers

    help me find this song!!!

    lol i know mate, sounds crazy I know!!! I've been googling 'ba ba bing line man shark crocodile song' for over an hour now!!!!
  9. ironhammers

    help me find this song!!!

    Hey All!!! Need Assistance, stoned moment, singing a song, need to know what the name is! Although as far as lyrics go i have something like this: Ba Ba Bing, Ba da ba bing bing, ba da ba ba too bing bing! Or something like that!!! Lmao It was a dance tune, with no actual words, the video...
  10. ironhammers

    wondering about getting this LED light offa ebay

    That's exactly how i needed to word it lol, I turn on a 125W big cfl wit reflector in my grow tent, then added the LED, i turned the LED striaght off and took it out, because it just seemed pointless
  11. ironhammers

    wondering about getting this LED light offa ebay

    yeah I know, I got one that was blue and red for veg and flower, the LEDs were mixed. I think that it may help to provide extra light for flowering, but I think you would need more than just that, so that plus CFL's should be good! I'm just not sure if that would make a lot of difference than...
  12. ironhammers

    wondering about getting this LED light offa ebay

    hey there mate, I bought one of those, but the blue and red mixed one, and to be honest, It doesn't seem to put out much light at all, so I didn't even bother using it, although I'm gonna try it over a few seedlings to see how it goes with them, I would say it's probably best as a supplemental...
  13. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    sweeeeet! lol Well I'm off to have a cuppa tea then get to bed, its 23.45 here and i got work at 6am lol, why do people want so much meat at xmas time?!?!?!:evil: Speak to ya soon bud!!!!
  14. ironhammers

    Beer Can Organics

    Mmmmmm.... Triiiiiiichs!!!! Lol Looking good buddy!!!
  15. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    cool, cheers mate, guess i'll just let them do their thing for a few days while they dry out, and hope I see nothing bad coming from the low pH!!! By the way, what do u think about transplanting?? Does it look as if the pots are big enough for a while yet?? I have seen the odd root poking out...
  16. ironhammers

    8 Day old Purple bagseed grow. Any suggestions? pictures

    Wow +rep for you!!! Nice detailed answer, good work mate!! Those equations slightly went over my head tho lol, but I get the idea, also I like your soda experiment, sounds like the bubb;es in the soil could help absorb o2 to the roots, I guess it's a bit like when u add an airstone ina hydro...
  17. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    hey people, especially autotek if you're still out there! Update!!! Have just watered and pH'd plants, there are some pictures that i took while i wass watering. Both plants are growing and the smaller one looks like it's making a recovery, with no sign of the yellow patches on the new growth...
  18. ironhammers

    8 Day old Purple bagseed grow. Any suggestions? pictures

    That sounds sketchy as lol, does it actually work well??? Not that i wanna risk it lol
  19. ironhammers


    why? Because I can
  20. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    cool, cheers mate, well i'm off to bed now, gotta be back at work at 7am, just 5 hours away lol!!! I'll post when i get back to let ya know if I have done it, may need an extra day to dry em right out!!! Speak soon bud!!!