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  1. ironhammers

    New Seedlings look ok??? First Grow

    It's been done now lol, do u think they'll be ok at less than 2 weeks old?? 3 hours later and they are looking fine! At least I know not to panic so much if it happens again!
  2. ironhammers

    New Seedlings look ok??? First Grow

    more replies!!! :) have been watering when only when i can feel the top couple of inches being dry, as i have read various places. However today I came across another problem, i could see root coming through the drainage holes on the pot, i have quickly transplanted into bigger pots using the...
  3. ironhammers

    New Seedlings look ok??? First Grow

    cheers for the reply! Yeah i thought it was way too early for them to need nutes!!! That gives me that bit of reassurance I needed! lol
  4. ironhammers

    New Seedlings look ok??? First Grow

    Hey guys, first post here and also my first grow! It's been about a week and half since germination started, seedlings are in soil, and about 4 inches away from a 125W CFL. I'm not sure if it's just stoner's paranoia, but the first set of true leaves seem a bit too yellow around the veins...