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  1. ironhammers

    mollases in UK!?!?

    just wish public transport didn't suck! lol Think I'll save up me pennies and might have to take the evil journey there, that way I can get everything I want in one go!
  2. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    lol my lil girl had a christmas party to go to today, its all go this time o year aint it!!! hmmm... pet shop... yeah I'm pretty certain we have those over here! :p I'm sure the people working there will be completely useless tho lol Grow shops seem to be the only shops that still wanna help...
  3. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    cheers mate, except no walmart, i'm in UK :cry: i'm gonna have to sacrifice a nights smoke, so I can go buy one lol, all in good cause eh? Is there any specific brand/name of a pH down that I might find in UK? Ideal pH is between 6-6.5 right? Also if it is pH related, is she likely to...
  4. ironhammers


    if theres anyone still here, is it true that the micronutrients can also help a plant during veg? or is it strictly during flowering that mollases is used?
  5. ironhammers

    mollases in UK!?!?

    looks like i'll be grabbing some lyons treacle on the way back from work tomorrow! Cheers for all the help guys! I'm sure there must have been a few people in UK having a hard time findin it!
  6. ironhammers

    mollases in UK!?!?

    Tried sainsburys, but got the, 'Are you an alien?' look! lol not sure bout tescos, but if camsocools right about the treacle, its problem solved!!! Can anyone else back this up???
  7. ironhammers

    mollases in UK!?!?

    nice work, a said to my mrs earlier when we were in the supermarket, i bet its right here but we just use a different name than in the US, and lyons red treacle was right there aswell!!! makes it even easier, and i can nick a bit for me toast when i get a bit of a munch on! 2 birds with 1...
  8. ironhammers

    mollases in UK!?!?

    yeah i saw everything i needed on the homebase website, except the nearest one to me is way over the other edge of town, and i dont drive :cry:
  9. ironhammers

    mollases in UK!?!?

    ooo holland and barrett, nice one, got one o them in my town centre, do well and plus rep for all u guys
  10. ironhammers

    this is why celsius is better

    lol I've had to adjust to all this farenheit stuff, guess its just being from UK. 80F sounded like a bloody furnace :fire: Although here in UK when its cold they say, god its freezing, its down to -3C today, then when its hot they say, god its boiling, its 110F today cos it sounds so much...
  11. ironhammers

    mollases in UK!?!?

    Hey guys, anybody know where I can buy mollases in the UK??? its been recommended to be by another forum member, however... Have checked all the big supermarkets(foodstores), cant find it anywhere, when I ask a member of staff if they stock it, I get looked at as if I am from another freakin...
  12. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    hey guys, update!!! Just noticed in small letters on the bottle of spring water i've been using, it says, pH at source 7.8!!! Could this be whats got my lil girl in such a bad way??? Although once again, the other plant is fine and has had the same water!!! Desperately need a pH meter!
  13. ironhammers

    Differences between the U.K and U.S Smoking scenes?

    Very Wise words, when I was younger I would buy anything just to get me stoned, these days i have many more preferences than just getting mashed!:eyesmoke: As you say, taste, type of high etc. Just wish there was more dealers that gave us that choice, with most, they get their cash and thats...
  14. ironhammers

    Differences between the U.K and U.S Smoking scenes?

    See I wish it was like that for me, I'd rather pay more and actually know what I am smoking!!!
  15. ironhammers

    Differences between the U.K and U.S Smoking scenes?

    lol i have enough trouble remembering what I had for dinner!!! But yeah, here in uk when u buy weed, the most info I get is, it's a bit damp, or a bit dusty etc. i wish it was a case of, this stuffs gonna cost you more, but its this strain or whatever, but its seems weed is weed to them.
  16. ironhammers

    3 in 1, moisture, pH and light meter, any good?

    nice one, at least it'll help on my pocket til after christmas when I can hopefully get a digital one! It's gotta be better than what I have now i guess (nothing lol)!!!
  17. ironhammers

    3 in 1, moisture, pH and light meter, any good?

    Hi guys, new to growing, found THIS on ebay. Was wondering if anyones used anything similar??? Do they actually work very well or not, seems like a cheap alternative, but thats what worrys me! Anyone thats tried one of these, it would be great to hear from you
  18. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    nah they haven't fell yet, they are still hidden under there, still looking very green and healthy, is this a good or bad thing? lol
  19. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    right here's what I am gonna do, go shopping tomorrow and get some perlite, bigger pots and mollases (if i can find it). Will give her a good few days to dry out then transplant to bigger pots (think maybe I should drill some extra drainage holes in???), adding perlite and then water down with...
  20. ironhammers

    seedling, bumpy leaves, curling, losing colour

    cool cheers, will switching lights to 24/0 after two weeks have any adverese effects? I have been watering even less than once every 3 days, she's been water 3 times in two and bit weeks, including the first watering when i put the germinated seed in. As for the mollases, where can i get...