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  1. C

    LIGHTING Big Room, one light

    It's not like I told him to do it I just said you might wanna give it a try. There is nothing wrong with a little suggestion. AND I mean I could of did the same thing you did witch was ignore the entire point of the thread and give a bad answer. If you read what he said he asks for suggestions...
  2. C

    LIGHTING Big Room, one light

    Not sure if you would want to do this but you can build shelves or levels in a stadium type grow. so if your reflecter has a broad enough buffer all plants will get all light, i drew a picture cause im baked and can't explain so well :joint::o
  3. C

    homebox XL ventilation and ligthing questions(my plan is inside )help me

    Can you give us reasons why he shouldn't do hydro?
  4. C

    homebox XL ventilation and ligthing questions(my plan is inside )help me

    here is a link on how to build one kind of hydro box ( DWC/bubbler ). I'm getting off for a little while but I should be on later to answer anything you need help with.
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    homebox XL ventilation and ligthing questions(my plan is inside )help me

    I'm fairly sure that you should be fine. Hydro is actually very easy, just as easy if not easier then soil. The only hard part by a long shot would be building the hydro box. With hydro it is easier for beginners to tell if the root systems are healthy and easy for newbs to add nutes and not...
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    homebox XL ventilation and ligthing questions(my plan is inside )help me under the third drop down about lighting the site says "In general, the perfect light system is determined by the use you need the Homebox/Clonebox for. If you want to use it for cuttings, then it’s best to use a low wattage T5- or T8-System or CFL´s...
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    homebox XL ventilation and ligthing questions(my plan is inside )help me

    You may want to look into hydroponic systems as you can save some $ and its easier and in my opinion better in the homeboxes. Up to you of course though. Check out this page, mainly the DWC link on it . Yes I know that they have two...
  8. C

    homebox XL ventilation and ligthing questions(my plan is inside )help me

    I can help you out a little. First things first. Depending on how much your growing of course you might need more then 400w HPS. I'm pretty sure with a XL a 400w HPS is not going to be enough light for as much as your wanting to grow. Second is you NEED a cool tube. They aren't expensive and if...
  9. C

    Help setting up Homebox XS

    thanks for all the information again !!! :hug: If I get a 400w HPS ballast do I need to get two different kinds of lights for veg and flowering? Doing DWC with the tub and a bubbler, does the bubbler make any sound? Loud? Do i just throw my nutes into the water? I'm thinking if I can get...
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    Help setting up Homebox XS

    gypsybush; thanks for all the info !!! :shock: That is a awesome build but honestly i don't think i could pull off doing a DIY like that and do it as well as that. Will getting this tent be equivalent to what you built there and I can add a light control and some other hardware ? I think I...
  11. C

    Help setting up Homebox XS

    Hey guys I'm really new around here and extremely new to growing. I have tried to setup two grows with friends before but I'm looking to do it on my own with good equipment. So this is what I thought I would start with... I...
  12. C

    Planning to setup a cabinet grow, what else do I need?

    let me get this st8 you wanna grow in someone house that speciffically told you not to and that same person shot you and thinks it funny haha kiss-ass ^him ^you dumbass
  13. C

    Need lighting help for grow room.

    Thats what my buddy said. Is there any way to work out putting four in there? I saw a couple grows with them same space get four. I can hang two lights from the top going down the middle when needed. I saw that in another grow. I'm setting this up as professional as I can in hopes the four...
  14. C

    Need lighting help for grow room.

    It's not a full size fridge actually. I'm posting up a pic for any extra adice I can get from you to. Things are a little different as I worked on it for a while today. First off the top self is gone, I took it out. The switch is gone to. I got some fictsures in there to. How it is set up...
  15. C

    Need lighting help for grow room.

    I'm making stealth grow box out of a fridge. I'm planning on putting four plants in it. How many cfls will I need to put in it? I was planning on getting these cfls I can pretty much put the lights anywhere they need to be.