LIGHTING Big Room, one light


Active Member
My problem is I've got a grow room about 9X9X10 and I've got 9 seedlings rooted and doing fine but... I could put like 36 plants in 5 gal buckets and still have plenty of room to move around.

So my problem is I've got one 1000w light which I've been told is plenty for a 6'X6' foot room but I just got this light and it's in a small reflector, If I keep the plants 12-24 inches away from the light the other plants I could have in the room wouldn't be getting enough light.

Right now I plan on waiting out this grow to get more funds and investing in a light mover and a large reflector. Thoughts?? I could really use some input on this one.


Active Member
My problem is I've got a grow room about 9X9X10 and I've got 9 seedlings rooted and doing fine but... I could put like 36 plants in 5 gal buckets and still have plenty of room to move around.

So my problem is I've got one 1000w light which I've been told is plenty for a 6'X6' foot room but I just got this light and it's in a small reflector, If I keep the plants 12-24 inches away from the light the other plants I could have in the room wouldn't be getting enough light.

Right now I plan on waiting out this grow to get more funds and investing in a light mover and a large reflector. Thoughts?? I could really use some input on this one.
Not sure if you would want to do this but you can build shelves or levels in a stadium type grow. so if your reflecter has a broad enough buffer all plants will get all light, i drew a picture cause im baked and can't explain so well :joint::o



Well-Known Member
That is some pretty good artwork cflfridge. Good way to distribute light. A light mover is another way to gain more lighting area. Its basically a a motor that moves your light down a track so it can cover more area


Well-Known Member
Noobs give great advice, don't you just love it...

Son your 1kw light can barely support 6x6, that is already too much. Add a light mover and do half that space or get two light movers and two of those lights or just get three more 1kw lights and an ac unit and big can fan and duct work and air cooled hoods.

Try to grow in that room with one light and don't partition it off to smaller than around 25sf and your grow will just suck major ass. The plant directly under the light will be ok though.

Just keeping it real...


Active Member
Noobs give great advice, don't you just love it...
It's not like I told him to do it I just said you might wanna give it a try. There is nothing wrong with a little suggestion. AND I mean I could of did the same thing you did witch was ignore the entire point of the thread and give a bad answer. If you read what he said he asks for suggestions to try to make what he has work a little better, he ALREADY knows its not enough light.

So kudos telling him something he already stated, replying with a answer that helped a whole 0%, and being internet tough to me when I actually helped?

Just keepin it realzzz... (lol) :joint::o


Well-Known Member
Sorry I have mood swings...

My answer did help, he will get a better yield closing that light off to the proper grow size and not trying to use more space with it. PERIOD

Again sorry about the attitude though.


Well-Known Member
for now... you would probably increase yield slightly by either using a stadium setup ... or by partioning the room off to about 7 ft by 7 ft... so maybe put up like two 'fake' walls in order to reflect back light that would otherwise be wasted... cuz ur only really gonna light up about 6 ft by 6 ft and the little extra space will let you walk around your plants. If you don't want to hastle with this then i would suggest putting the light about 3 1/2 feet from two of the walls so that you can at least cop some reflection off of 2 of the 4 walls.


Active Member
Noobs give great advice, don't you just love it...

Son your 1kw light can barely support 6x6, that is already too much. Add a light mover and do half that space or get two light movers and two of those lights or just get three more 1kw lights and an ac unit and big can fan and duct work and air cooled hoods.

Try to grow in that room with one light and don't partition it off to smaller than around 25sf and your grow will just suck major ass. The plant directly under the light will be ok though.

Just keeping it real...
thanks I think I'll get a mover or another light when I get the funds, I can do a lot with this room in the future I'm just, well, a noob

making a jounal too