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  1. B

    8-23watt CFL Stealth Grow

    I havent started my first grow yet, but your plants a way to droopy! They look like they have aids or hiv. Should name them magic johnson! JK just bein funny buy really they are droopy. other than that, the temp shouldnt be below 75(AIR TEMP) I will be growing in soil, the way GOD intended. God...
  2. B

    20 ft x 20 ft set up

    were building a 20 by 20 foot room that is 8 feet tall. 10 by 10 will be used for storage. that will leave like 3 9 by 9 rooms if u include materials. 2 flowering rooms and a mother room. Going to grow ppp and white widow. 3 mother ppp and 4 white widow mother's. would like to grow 30 ppp...
  3. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    Thanks. That sounds like a winning ideal. Organic it is! Man, Im so happy, Not going to have to buy anymore! plus it should always be GOOD stuff! I talked to my dad about everything today, and he said he would help me grow it as long as I dont sell. Thats good for me because nobodys gettin my...
  4. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    soil it is! The prob with that is I dont wantto feel stoned. i want to feel really high and laugh so hard that I cry! thay can grow up to like 4 feet tallI guess. The bud box is like 6 ft high! any ideal on how to control the ph in soil? whats the best soil i can use? Im talkikn go to walmart...
  5. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    ok, so now Im going to grow in my apartment. the bud box is light proof and lockable and smell proff with a filter. and i decided im going with soil, not dro. i think im going to grow some . Sounds like some good stuff...
  6. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    i understand what you are saying, and i am listening. im going to plant 6, only keep the best 3. Dont know why i didnt include that already. my bad. But yeah, your not a dick, I really thank you for your input! Could you tell me what the best seed is to get to get an all body high that makes me...
  7. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    yes, my dad does know, The good thing about this is that nobody knows about this beside you all! My dad aint telling nobody! Not even my best friend knows. Hardely anybody even knows I do smoke. And bythe way, IM NOT SELLING! Thats when I wouldworrie about getting caught. Useing floresent lights...
  8. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    Ok, heres what i'm needing! I really need help guys. Im only going to check on my plants like once a week because im going to be growing at my dad's and he lives in another town than me. So should I go dro or soil? I really want hydro because its more pleasurable and it grows faster! whats the...
  9. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    Really? That sucks dude. i already had it all planned out, lol. I guess I got a lil more research to do.
  10. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    That sounds pretty good dude. I work at home depot, lol. I would build a box my self but i dont have closeto enough time! Yeah, Iunderstand about 6 being a bit to much. or something like that has the entire dro setup for 6plants and a light kit that puts out 15000 lumens. thats...
  11. B

    How do you all think this will work?

    :joint:Whe the income taxes come in, Im going to set 600.00 aside and invest in, what I think is a good ideal! Im buying the BudBox Large, Then im buying the bubbler hydro system that can grow 6 plants at a time! all I need, Not wanting to sell or anything, just want to grow my own holey green...