How do you all think this will work?


Active Member
soil it is! The prob with that is I dont wantto feel stoned. i want to feel really high and laugh so hard that I cry! thay can grow up to like 4 feet tallI guess. The bud box is like 6 ft high! any ideal on how to control the ph in soil? whats the best soil i can use? Im talkikn go to walmart and buy it without haveing to add anything to it for 2 weeks or so. MG or what? also I was just really wanting this to take little time asmpossioble cause I hate buying!


Well-Known Member
Lol don't we all want it to go as fast as possible. I would stay away from MG products. Try to find an all organic soil. If you use organic nutes as well, this will give yuo the best flavor, and burn when its done. Also you said you didn't want to have to add nutes for the first 2 weeks. Well if your starting form seed, you shouldn't be adding nutes in the first 2 weeks any way.


Active Member
Thanks. That sounds like a winning ideal. Organic it is! Man, Im so happy, Not going to have to buy anymore! plus it should always be GOOD stuff! I talked to my dad about everything today, and he said he would help me grow it as long as I dont sell. Thats good for me because nobodys gettin my bud unless its friends and I supply for free! Either way, Im never sellin! Nobody knows but me and my dad.... And you guys, but hey, this is the internet, you all have no clue who I am! So yes! I get to grow my own fresh crop! Cant wait.Thanks for all you guys help! Ill start in feb prob unless taxes comes in before! Dont sell guys! Grow your own and samoke your own.