How do you all think this will work?


Active Member
:joint:Whe the income taxes come in, Im going to set 600.00 aside and invest in, what I think is a good ideal! Im buying the BudBox Large, Then im buying the bubbler hydro system that can grow 6 plants at a time! all I need, Not wanting to sell or anything, just want to grow my own holey green! Anyway, Im going to get a 250 watt hps light kit to go in also. The box is like 3 feet wide, 3 feet deep and about 6 foot tall. The inside is highly reflective and it is light proof. I will start seedlings off in paper towl and then, when root is about half an inch, put in rockwoll and place a 100 watt floresent on them till they are about 6 inches tall, then Im going to switch to 12 on 12 off and use the hps light. I also wanted to know how to, if there is a way, force plants to be female? also can I grow more than one plant in each net scince im going hydro and water and nuterients will be distributed evenly to all them? Feel free to add any tips. Im going to be growing in a spare bed room at my dads house. please let me know what you all think!:joint:


Active Member
I was thinking about buying one of those also but I decided to build my own and spend my money on lights ect.... Dude i built a box out of 2x4 for the frame and put a thin plywood on the box to close it up with a simple door on hinges. I have a light box that is totally separate that mounts on top of my grow box and had a local place cut a piece of glass to keep the lightbox and growbox seperate it also has a 6 in 280 cfm air duct fan from home depot ($25) at the very top.... In the grow box I have 2 intake comp. fans at the bottom and 2 air out fans at the top (opposite sides)(Fry's) My temp is 75-78 max 70-72 at night... Spent a lot of money on fan's, Nutrients, lighting, bulbs, mediam, set-up ect.... But I was glad when it was all over I built my box for under $150 and could buy some extra nutrients, and supliments. My clone started out with 100watt MH, and when I transitioned it for a week or so i added a 70 watt HPS in there...... When I went to full flowering I added another 150 watt HPS... So I have 320 watts and only one plant..
My boy has 8plants with 600 watt HPS only for flowering and 400 MH only for veg., I do not think 250 will do 6 plants but i also dont think 6 plants will go well in that bloom box.. I would rather have 4 good healthy than cram 6 in and hope it doesnt get 2 crowded... Just my 2c good luck bro.....


Active Member
That sounds pretty good dude. I work at home depot, lol. I would build a box my self but i dont have closeto enough time! Yeah, Iunderstand about 6 being a bit to much. or something like that has the entire dro setup for 6plants and a light kit that puts out 15000 lumens. thats more than enough for six plants. do you really think 6would be to crouded? and the light is cfl so lowheat and low power useage. I just want this to be a sucess you know? Im tired of buying, lol.


Active Member
Ok, heres what i'm needing! I really need help guys. Im only going to check on my plants like once a week because im going to be growing at my dad's and he lives in another town than me. So should I go dro or soil? I really want hydro because its more pleasurable and it grows faster! whats the quickest I can expect the full germ to budding phoze to be if I want my plants to be less than 2 and a half feet? I'm getting the bud box large, possible xl and a light kit that puts off over 15000lumens! Thats enough to support about 7 plants, which is a lil more than I need. Also, has anyone tried the bud box here and liked it? Or had good results? Ive read nothing but good about it. Best soil or hydro kit thats easy to maintain and can hold like 7 plants? Please leave a website if you know of a good dro system so I can check it out. Thanks people. Now Smoke A JOINT! and enjoy it!


Well-Known Member
ey no means to burst ur bubble but 15k lumens isnt anywhere near enough for 7 plant i have 20k on 2 plants of my own n thats barly doin it nut if u wanna do it go ahead i would suggest TOPing maybe even FIMing ur plants so u get the conopy effect and the light will hit the mojoritsy of the buds evenly instead of having juss the main colo recievine massive amount of light , n other thing there really is no difference in potentcy of hydro n soil grown..... its genetics..... putting plants next to a incadesent is a no-no will be strecthed in a matter of days.... If ur only going to be ale to check on them once a week i would say go soil, the slightest messup in hydro will ruin all ur plants if not fixed quicky... n if u want it to stay that short than i recommend buying a dwarf strain.. a strain that stays short... or a indica dominent that will be shorter than snything well i vegged for 1 month and im flowering for 2 my bays still got to be 3 ft tall... its pretty hard to get any shorter than that ( in flowering plants can grow 2x rarly 3x as larg vertically) but goodluck... the force is with u..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. sorry i thought that was funy

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Back to the drawing board have alot of research before you can start this grow......

weekly maintenance is not going to cut it......

I could go on for quite a while based on your plans, but I can't do it tonight.....:wall:


Sector 5 Moderator
First of all, your plants will not survive if you only "care" for them once a week. That's science fiction. Secondly, does your dad know you're going to grow at his house? If pork shows up on his doorstep, arrests him for you growing pot in his house and hauls him off to jail you're going to feel pretty bad.


Active Member
yes, my dad does know, The good thing about this is that nobody knows about this beside you all! My dad aint telling nobody! Not even my best friend knows. Hardely anybody even knows I do smoke. And bythe way, IM NOT SELLING! Thats when I wouldworrie about getting caught. Useing floresent lights so low power useage. And Can anybody tell me the best seeds to buy if I want a smoke something that wont make me feel heavy headed.I want something that will makeme laugh a lot and give me a full body high. BTW I did alot of research and the bubbler from stealth worked great for a lot of people. Please give me some seed choices ppl. thanks for all your responces!


Active Member
That sounds pretty good dude. I work at home depot, lol. I would build a box my self but i dont have closeto enough time! Yeah, Iunderstand about 6 being a bit to much. or something like that has the entire dro setup for 6plants and a light kit that puts out 15000 lumens. thats more than enough for six plants. do you really think 6would be to crouded? and the light is cfl so lowheat and low power useage. I just want this to be a sucess you know? Im tired of buying, lol.
Dude the 15000 lum is not enough, 7 plants for that bloom box is 2 much, checking on them 1 time a week not good if something goes wrong with your nutrients, PH ect... You NEED A HPS/MH to produce enough light for your 7 plants. yes cfl's will do it but you will have a small yield and be wondering why the hell it didnt work. You will spend all the time in the world doing it but not be happy with the results.. You need some serious lummins if you have that many plants and space... People on this forum know what they are talking about but u can go grow 7 plants under 15000 lum in that XL bud box and let me know how it works out for you... :joint::joint::joint: not tryin to be a dick but if u ask the questions please listen to the people...:peace:


Active Member
i understand what you are saying, and i am listening. im going to plant 6, only keep the best 3. Dont know why i didnt include that already. my bad. But yeah, your not a dick, I really thank you for your input! Could you tell me what the best seed is to get to get an all body high that makes me laugh till I cry and dosent keep me on the couch? I want something that I can smoke and Just go about my day! Also, Ive always wanted to try blue berry! What effects does blueberry have? Chill or party type stuff? Also, what I read was you need 3thousand lumens per square foot. I think it was off graSS city. Dude said thats all he used and he had amazing results useing the same system I plan on useing. Bud box and the stealth dro. Ill upgrade my lights tho. Im really thinkin of just building a grow box, I just doubt ill have time. I work all the freakin time. I have some pretty good ideals tho. Smoke some bud ppl. Light it up real quick! ITS HIGH TIME!


Well-Known Member
well its not 3000 its 7000-10000 per square foot and i would say goin with nirvanas trveling thai its a long flower but is exactly what ur lookin for i tried some blueberry and its a mix of both maybe leaning a lil more to the body high like 55%-45% but GL man in w/e u do

*EDIT* i stilll say go soil if this is ur first time a lil more matinence but now as hard as hydro soil is as easy as 1,2,3,4,5


Active Member
I'm doing blue dynamite because its an indica and grows well indoors, CC winner and is short and bushy.. I have been told that more % of indica do better indoors but im sure it just depends.....


Well-Known Member
SOG- "sea of green" a type of growing where all plants are kept close together, and typically more plants are grown in a small space. Lst, topping, and other trimming methods are used to even out the canopy.

M2- "meter squared" refers to the amount of buds to grow on average in a 1 meter squared area.


Well-Known Member
If you are looking to keep these plants small, I would really stay away from the sativa strains you are looking at, or that have been suggested by some. Sativas have a natural tendency to grow taller, and to stretch out. If height is an issue, I would deffinitly stick to a pure indica, or a hybrid.


Well-Known Member
if your looking for low maintance go with soil its way more forgiving and for a first timer with not a lot of time to spare hydro will probably be to much, are your looking to do bubbleponics right??? why spend all that money on crap I believe in DIY. Gl tho!


Well-Known Member
I agree, with soil, if you have to leave them alone for a couple days, you are less likely to come home to a huge problem.