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  1. Basshead

    4 bagseed, 4 females.

    4 bagseeds 4 females!? WOW. celebrating for you my friend. that is some seriously good love from the cannabis
  2. Basshead

    Just inhaled a footlong...

    Subway is the Good shit. I'll have to try that sandich combo you listed. I like the footlong steak and cheese egg sandwich in the morning. Humongous sandwiches are one of the few things that will completely satisfy a munchies attack
  3. Basshead

    List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

    Crazy...UFO religions. I am a fan of funkadelic for fun....but Scientology, the Nation of Islam....Heaven's Gate (which had leutenant Uhura from star trek's brother) - all that stuff is...uh...not my religion....alot of people know the NOI is racist, but alot don't know its a UFO religion too
  4. Basshead

    List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

    :) I don't care much for alot of things. but i don't go around antagonizing in an active manner. just do your thing man, don't worry about things inside of other people's heads. if a christian interferes with your life in a negative way, handle the individual. putting down an entire religion...
  5. Basshead

    List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

    this thread makes roll it up worse. Lord Jesus rules you. (_Y_) <- kiss here
  6. Basshead

    good ole reggie

    i'd guess sinsemilla is just always better 99% of the time...
  7. Basshead

    3rd Try: Lemon Skunk by GH fem. PC Box Grow

    32 days? from the pictures they look kinda stretchy. either way it will be a nice harvest cause the lemon strains are just a treat no matter how much you got the setup itself though looks most excellent
  8. Basshead

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

    booty butt booty butt booty butt cheeks!
  9. Basshead

    Woman beat with pipe by McDonald's cashier faces permanent brain damage

    wow. that is just insane. if people would just be nice to one another....
  10. Basshead

    Objective Sexual(s)

    meh. fetishes happen. its not all hot and sexy like popular culture likes to paint any deviant sexual behavior. its actually a defect.
  11. Basshead

    Ron Paul: Turtle Fucker?

    give me $5 and tell me which choice to vote on.... :)
  12. Basshead

    An INTENSE moment of TRUTH with MAINSTREAM Media

    I suggest we read joe bageant alot of right wing good ol' boys like to say "if you don't like this country then get out" not even knowing that it is the country folks who are also under oppression. it depends how deep in the doodoo you are via generation. from what i understand he and his...
  13. Basshead

    How to find cool housemates

    imagine if your roomate was the dopeman. you too may end up with bitches clockin on your dick 24/7. that would be awesome.
  14. Basshead

    ///need help please!

    if your anything like my friend who tried, you'll dive in and fail gracefully for about a year before getting it right. expect to make mistakes, expect some information on your questions not to be available. but from what i understand you need a good light. and if your in an apartment - get a...
  15. Basshead

    How to find cool housemates Bitches Clockin on his dick 24/7
  16. Basshead

    Tell Me About Your Look

    I usually look like i just woke up. floppy shirt slightly baggy, and jogging pants if possible. regular shoes. there was once a thing referred to as a 'torn shirt programmer'. like i got the sense to differentiate the pretty from the ugly. i just don't care to exercise it in my evaluation of bad...
  17. Basshead

    Belief Without Evidence WTF?

    for a while people believed in noah's ark because of the Bible. Eventually common folks wised up enough(but not all of them) to comprehend what science calls "unnatural selection". Its been written into the Bible for years at a comprehensive level for common folks. My evidence of God is Nature.
  18. Basshead

    how to make uber healthy thc extract?

    i've never tried it but a tincture is supposed to be pretty good. yes it is alchohol, but you'd only need a droplet at a time. which is essentially sugar too, but a quick shot without the added fiber and butter and other stuff you find in cookies/brownies
  19. Basshead


    against abortion in my world. although for rape victims, i'd imagine they'd definitely want an abortion if impregnated through rape. a choice i cannot make. i do know that in my bedroom there is no rape and only love making. in my bedroom there is no abortion. i can't call what goes on in other...
  20. Basshead

    The truth and nothing but the truth. People please wake up

    this guy is freaked out by the war machine. hey man it happens and its scary. the feeling you get when you realize the war machine has been alive, moving, and killing literally thousands a day. the problem comes when you decide to go all He Man and fight against the entire war machine -...