Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
I can't beleive you guys weren't crusaded a few hundreds of years ago. Only a small portion of the planet had been educated about Christ or what? Since when did people crusade for those pieces of crap Ghandi or Muhammad to a large portion of the planet? ? Who is your God???


Well-Known Member
You and your STUPID friends that call US stupid, can't realize that maybe God doesn't want RETARDS THAT NEED THINGS PROVEN TO THEM to have a good afterlife. Yea, afterlife is for pussies you say. Well that's fine because arguing with retards is like winning the special olympics. ATHEISTS 1 CHRISTIANS 0, oh no who is the bigger retard! YOUUUUUUUUUUU
Sounds a bit like special pleading to me. The best understanding of reality we have comes from an evidential approach to the truth. This evidence based way of interpreting reality is responsible for nearly everything that gives you comfort or hope in your life. You yourself demand evidence for claims that affect you or your loved ones. You don't take drugs just because some old book says they work. You wouldn't want to use hygiene products that were not held up to standards of testing. If your child was kicked out of school for being a red head and you told them you didn't understand, would you accept the excuse that maybe schools just don't want retarded redheads? I am guessing you would want rationale for this decision. To apply this standard of evidence to everything in your life but God is an inconsistency, and this inconsistency is what the OP doesn't understand. To explain it by saying God doesn't want people to have things proven to them would seem to damn you to hell along with the rest of us. Which one of us sounds like the bigger retard?


Well-Known Member
Thx for calling me out like that. Shows how much you know. Again I will teach you what you know. Going to hell is a gradual process. It starts while you are still alive. This is you here below now.

and the next photo is actually one I made just a moment ago especially for you and your friends. This is what your afterlife might be if you dn't jsut STFU and repent to the Lord Jesus Christ. haha!

no you lose dude , big time , you have been interlectualy pawwned and now this is the best come back you have lol seriousley mate , if your gonna fight for something so bad , at least do your research , and understand the position your fighting for , other wise you just look stupid like you do now .


Well-Known Member
Thx for calling me out like that. Shows how much you know. Again I will teach you what you know. Going to hell is a gradual process. It starts while you are still alive. This is you here below now.

and the next photo is actually one I made just a moment ago especially for you and your friends. This is what your afterlife might be if you dn't jsut STFU and repent to the Lord Jesus Christ. haha!
Which one of us is saying "Wah"?


Well-Known Member
Oh shit! The war against me is mounting!!! But will I convert to their Gods?

I don't think so because they are all not like this!!! One True God, Jesus Christ
Jesus is not the one true messiah. You blaspheme the one TRUE TRUE god, God savior, the prophet Ronald McDonald.


Well-Known Member
<sigh> I wish you people would just keep it simple. One at a time. Just makes it easier/more readable. Maybe number your "questions".

1) Show me the scripture in the Bible about the War in Heaven.
2) "Most theologians don't take the book of Rev seriously"?? False.
3)Check out Answers in Genesis. You won't *like* the answers, but they exist.
4) Read The Case for Christ. Written by an ex-althiest lawyer who set out to prove the Bible was false. He wound up getting converted because of the overwhelming evidence of Jesus' being raised from the tomb. You are VERY wrong here. There's TONS of evidence...not the least of which is that a band of his followers, who were weak, terrified men when they saw Him die, sudden;y became powerful, bold witnesses who all were horribly killed for that belief. What would they die horribly for something they *knew* was false?
5)Don't see a problem
6) Don't know. Not a big deal.
7)If there's a God, one who created the whole world, why would virgin birth be so hard to believe? I don't even get this argument.
8) Not sure about your discription of hell, but I know this: Jesus talked about it a lot. A seperate topic of convo...but I'll ask you this: if there is no hell, why did Jesus even come here?
9) Yep...ex-RCC. Woulda bet the house. You certainly didn't read the bible *as* a Catholic. Or if you did it wasn't with their approval. Wether the RCC is Christian or not is another topic. I was one. Going to church makes you a "Christian" like standing in a garage makes you a car.
You offer nothing at all, it was the RCC that basically wrote the Bible...Peter being the first Pope?

I used to believe the fairy stories when I was young, so yes I read the Bible avidly as a believer.

Again your rebuttal is weak-sauce as usual, you offer no evidence to back up your claims at all and go for the sneaky ad hominem attacks as usual.

One for you, what about the Gospel of Thomas, the other Codex's and the other Dead Sea Scrolls that were EXCLUDED from the Bible and put on the Vaticans banned texts list?

At least some of them actually make sense, like how they state Jesus said Heaven is in all of us, and through being good people we'll find happiness?

Gospel of Thomas:

Verse 3: Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you."
Verse 77: "I am the light that shines over all things. I am everything. From me all came forth, and to me all return. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift a stone, and you will find me there"

At least this book doesnt make Jesus out to be some zombie overlord, more a enlightened teacher trying to get people to live their lives to be the best people they can be...yet it was denied by the Christians because it doesnt allow the Church power over people...strange that one.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
It's clear that things got screwed up along the way. But

catholic (adj.)
mid-14c., "of the doctrines of the ancient Church," literally "universally accepted," from Fr. catholique, from L.L. catholicus "universal, general," from Gk. katholikos, from phrase kath' holou "on the whole, in general," from kata "about" + gen. of holos "whole" (see safe (adj.)). Applied to the Church in Rome c.1554, after the Reformation began. General sense of "of interest to all, universal" is from 1550s. As a noun, attested from 1560s.

...though it may not be of interest to all, it started as an approach to unifying all people.


Active Member
Pics or it never happened !
aint no pics, so it never happened then, im not trippin yall dont believe me. and for the record they didnt just out the blue start talking to me about that crap either. but it never happened so it doesnt matter anyway, right?


Active Member
have any of you weirdos err sorrry religious folk , ever thought how big a ark would have to be to fit every animal in the world on , i mean fuck could you even consider trying to gather two of every species we have today in a orderly fashion and load them on a ship we struggle to put a crocodile on a ship lol .it would take fuckin years even with todays technology .
the bible gives the exact lengths. and yes it took many years and the people called noah crazy also.


Well-Known Member
aint no pics, so it never happened then, im not trippin yall dont believe me. and for the record they didnt just out the blue start talking to me about that crap either. but it never happened so it doesnt matter anyway, right?
Come on man, tell us your fantastical tale...if there is some fucked up plan to take over the world its your duty as a loving Christian to tell us first. And as a Christian you cant hold what we've said previously against us, cos your Lord teaches forgivness ;)


Well-Known Member
the bible gives the exact lengths. and yes it took many years and the people called noah crazy also.
So he fit a pair of every animal of every species in a boat 450ft long, 75ft wide and 45ft tall? I call epic raging bullshit on that dude.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...the gnostics say that the ark is one of man's bodies. I think it also points to a zen expression (koan, I think) "before enlightenment chop wood carry water - after enlightenment chop wood carry water". The 'animals' are still with him but he's driving the boat now. It may point also to how useful one's 'lesser' traits are in the 'great work'.


Active Member
Come on man, tell us your fantastical tale...if there is some fucked up plan to take over the world its your duty as a loving Christian to tell us first. And as a Christian you cant hold what we've said previously against us, cos your Lord teaches forgivness ;)
im not telling yall nothin. but iwill say the bible speaks about the last days, which is happening as it is written. soon their will be a 1world government and they will require every person to take a ''chip in your hand or forehead'' as written, this chip is the mark of the beast. all who takes this chip will not see heaven. but if you dont take this chip you cant buy or sell anything not even food. dont believe me look it up online. their will be famine, pestilence, wars, and rumores of wars, natural disasters in divers places. as it is written, it is news articles about storms and natural things happening more frequently. look it up. fearful things which cause mens heart to fail. things wasnt like this years ago. iremember icould go to sleep without locking the door. now, you better not leave it unlocked at night. things are progressively getting worse in the world, but yall dont believe, so what isay dont matter to yall anyway.


Active Member
So he fit a pair of every animal of every species in a boat 450ft long, 75ft wide and 45ft tall? I call epic raging bullshit on that dude.
idont know where you got them numbers from but ill look in the bible and post them when icome back


Well-Known Member
for a while people believed in noah's ark because of the Bible. Eventually common folks wised up enough(but not all of them) to comprehend what science calls "unnatural selection". Its been written into the Bible for years at a comprehensive level for common folks. My evidence of God is Nature.


Well-Known Member
im not telling yall nothin. but iwill say the bible speaks about the last days, which is happening as it is written. soon their will be a 1world government and they will require every person to take a ''chip in your hand or forehead'' as written, this chip is the mark of the beast. all who takes this chip will not see heaven. but if you dont take this chip you cant buy or sell anything not even food. dont believe me look it up online. their will be famine, pestilence, wars, and rumores of wars, natural disasters in divers places. as it is written, it is news articles about storms and natural things happening more frequently. look it up. fearful things which cause mens heart to fail. things wasnt like this years ago. iremember icould go to sleep without locking the door. now, you better not leave it unlocked at night. things are progressively getting worse in the world, but yall dont believe, so what isay dont matter to yall anyway.
You realise all those "signs" you point to have been happening for thousands of years?

And the measurements are in "cubits" in the Bible of which one is roughly the length of your elbow to your finger.


Well-Known Member
The devil's disciples, they don't even know that they are riding along with satan the giant homo angel, it's rediculous, anyway, those guys are constantly asking for numbers and shit to PROVE wrong that a loving God exists. they question stuff in the bible all the time. what happened to trust? They trust imaginary figures like Uncle Sam Wrinkly Balls but not in a loving Creator that they can't touch or lick with their tongue?? Got disappointed with all the fairy tales that YOU had proven MADE UP? and now you want to prove that the bible is just another fairy tale because stuff that happened thousands of years ago doesn't have any PHOTOS????? ahhhhhhhh, this is a circlejerk but noone is coming up with the good stuff from inside
idont know where you got them numbers from but ill look in the bible and post them when icome back