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  1. ssadf adsfasdf

    Blunts Vs Joints

    I say Joints. U say blunts. Some settle this.....
  2. ssadf adsfasdf

    Blunts Vs Joints

    I say Joints. U say blunts. Some settle this.....
  3. ssadf adsfasdf


  4. ssadf adsfasdf

    NPK Rate of Abosorption

    Thanks for the responses Look like i just found a study to do then peace
  5. ssadf adsfasdf

    NPK Rate of Abosorption

    I have been trying to find information for awhile on how fast nutrients are absorbed. I know different stages of the plant require different amounts of each (Higher N for veg, Higher k for flower) and different amounts of light and grow techniques will effect the rate. I was hoping that someone...
  6. ssadf adsfasdf

    Seedling help

    Low riders are the bonzi of cannabis strains finishing at 16 in. And flowering in 45 days. So it's gonna be small
  7. ssadf adsfasdf

    How do I change your account name

    How do I change your account name
  8. ssadf adsfasdf


    If I breed one I'll send u some seeds Peace
  9. ssadf adsfasdf

    Seedling help

    Yo bro nice plants. Imo give them some water. How much sun are they getting? The strain is really meant for indoor growing where the light can be constantly on. Peace
  10. ssadf adsfasdf

    makin budder with 5 grams

    Preheat oven 350. Grind up gram of weed. Put natural peanut butter and weed on a cracker. Wrap in tin foil and cook for 20 min. works for me peace
  11. ssadf adsfasdf

    keeping temps down.

    The ac unit is in the enclosed grow room and it gets over 90 with vent? This doesn't make sense to me because u say ur running 800watts with 4 1000watts? What lights are you running?
  12. ssadf adsfasdf


    Very informative post. Thank you. I'll stay away from f1. probable go with nothern lights. I think everyone is always looking for the newest stable strain. U should start that thread
  13. ssadf adsfasdf

    makin budder with 5 grams

    make firecrackers
  14. ssadf adsfasdf

    when is cold too cold?

    Last comment. To me that temp range doesnt seem cold at all
  15. ssadf adsfasdf

    when is cold too cold?

    I agree with anon. Just did some research to be sure and it is a fact that temp effects photosynthesis. photosynthesis is the process in which light, water and carbon dioxide are converted into oxygen and sugar. Most plants rely on photosynthesis to provide the sugar they need for growth and...
  16. ssadf adsfasdf

    when is cold too cold?

    Surprised no one mentioned genetics. An Indica afgan mountain strain would be less effected by cold then lets say a mexican sativa. That being said i have found that all the plants i have grown have done much better in the 75 F range. Just my two cents Peace
  17. ssadf adsfasdf


    I only have a few grows under my belt but i was looking to test my skills with 16 plants SOG style. Was looking for strain suggestions something that matures fast (so Indica?). Dont want to use auto as i want to take clones. I will be starting all 16 from seed. Thank you for your help
  18. ssadf adsfasdf

    How to treat with light an auto plant in flowering.

    I can't say if plants need rest or not. I can say for sure that plants will stretch more with a shorter light period. The ruderalis (can't spell) is a time sensitive strain. So light away
  19. ssadf adsfasdf


    I have been trying to develop my own strain.....Just flushed today. I was trying to find a way to test the THC/CBD content. Has anyone ever had there pot tested before??? any suggestions? Thanks
  20. ssadf adsfasdf

    Male Plant?

    unless you want to develop your own strain get rid of it now.