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  1. J

    Help needed second grow

    The first pic is the one i flushed yesterday the sec is the one i just let go and watered as usual. The seedlings are looking awesome and ready to up pot i believe.the healthy plant is growing well and still not showing any signs of issues as far as i can tell
  2. J

    Help needed second grow

    I didnt think so either. Severe nutrient burn. Would it hurt to do the spray
  3. J

    Help needed second grow

    Bad internet connection. Ill post pics later.
  4. J

    Help needed second grow

    So how is everyone today. Figured id drop an update. Girls are looking ok considering. Def some noticeable new growth. Gonna get some cal mag just in case. Looks like some leaves are taco shaped. Gonna try foliage spray with mg. Till i get tge cal mag. Someone told me Epsom salt in water in a...
  5. J

    Help needed second grow

    The meter is professional grade and calibrated. My dad uses it for his 170gallon salt water reed. So his stuff gas to be right or he won't use it. I tested it again on the next plant. Same thing. .3 going in 5.2 runoff
  6. J

    Help needed second grow

    I tested my water goin in at a .3 so if i did that right i tested theater before pouring then i tested a sample of the runoff. Is that correct if anyone knows.
  7. J

    Help needed second grow

    Ok so here's a question. I tested my runoff with an ec meter. Its showing 5.1 which converts to around 3400 ppm. Thats rediculous. Either i did that wrong or i just verified what it is. What do you think.
  8. J

    Leaves turning yellow, brown

    I meant her first leaves are not burned
  9. J

    Leaves turning yellow, brown

    The thing is they all looked like that at first then bam one day the tips just toast and then it spreads up as the lower leaves die. But the fiurth plant is already past the size the ither ones were when symptoms began. And not even its first leaves are burned. But i am noticing a couple tiny...
  10. J

    Help needed second grow

    This is the early stage of this issue.
  11. J

    Help needed second grow

    Do you think it would be safe to pluck those burned fan leaves
  12. J

    Help needed second grow

    I actually always have two gallons dechlorinating. Thats why i didnt go ahead and run four. I only had two ready. Man she did not like that
  13. J

    Help needed second grow

    Ok my biggest girl is dry already so i just ran two full gallons of ph water through her and boy is she pissed. If it works i will flush the other two. I will have to feed after that won't i.
  14. J

    Help needed second grow

    I cant do a flush until they dry out again can i.
  15. J

    Help needed second grow

    So how sure are we that this is burn. Someone ekse mentioned mag deficiency because of the curled up edges and the veins are fairly dark green with yellowing in between
  16. J

    Help needed second grow

    And now the top leaves are browning at the tips and edges. :(
  17. J

    Help needed second grow

    Ok i am inclined to agree with that. I used it in my last grow but nit till two weeks before light cycle change. So what can i do now. I dont want to lose these three. The last round was so potent it was insane. And i did reduce it to 1/4 of the recommended dose. Both last run and this one. I...
  18. J

    Help needed second grow

    Here's the bottle
  19. J

    Help needed second grow

    Also i forgot to mention about a week ago i gave a floralicious additive to supplement nitrogen. Its a concentrated 2-0.8-0.2 could that have burned then. Its a general hydroponics product.
  20. J

    Help needed second grow

    So what im getting out of this is it could be nutrient burn. my water ph is 6.3 going in 6.5 runoff. So im thinking that is ok. Suggest trying happy frog. Or is there another soil i can try. Or should i just keep going with the plain ph balanced water and hope it adjusts?