Help needed second grow


So how sure are we that this is burn. Someone ekse mentioned mag deficiency because of the curled up edges and the veins are fairly dark green with yellowing in between
I'm no expert, but from what I've read/seen, and looking at your pics, it doesn't look like mag deficiency to me. I would think the plants are too young, and the burned edges too prominent for that to be the case.

Again, for what it's worth, I think this is nute burn. A gental flushing followed by a couple weeks without nutes might do the trick.

I hope this helps, and here's wishing you best of luck with your plants.


Active Member
Ok my biggest girl is dry already so i just ran two full gallons of ph water through her and boy is she pissed. If it works i will flush the other two. I will have to feed after that won't i.


If using tap water (for anything), it is best to let it sit out in an open container for 24 hours or more to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Not a huge deal if you didn't do this, but for future reference.


I wouldn't prune any leaves, it would just shock the plant more.

If worried about cal/mag deficiency, you can top dress a tablespoon of dolomite lime (per gallon of soil) into the top 2 inches or so of the soil. It will gently release over time the needed cal and mag into the soil with each watering and is very safe, won't hurt anything. That last pic does look kinda like mag deficiency, but earlier pics still indicate nute burn. Try some dolomite lime too, it won't hurt anything; just make sure it's dolomite and not hydrated lime.
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Active Member
Ok so here's a question. I tested my runoff with an ec meter. Its showing 5.1 which converts to around 3400 ppm. Thats rediculous. Either i did that wrong or i just verified what it is. What do you think.


Active Member
I tested my water goin in at a .3 so if i did that right i tested theater before pouring then i tested a sample of the runoff. Is that correct if anyone knows.


If you're sure about the numbers, and your soil runoff is showing 3400 ppm... Yeah that sounds like nute poisoning. It sounds like you tested it fine, water before and runoff after.
Only thing is, I might question the accuracy of the EC meter... I mean 3400 as you said, is ridiculous. However I've heard of people seeing some crazy numbers before, even just testing fresh unused soil.
I wish I knew more about how to help you man, and I hope you get it sorted and are able to save those ladies.
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Active Member
The meter is professional grade and calibrated. My dad uses it for his 170gallon salt water reed. So his stuff gas to be right or he won't use it. I tested it again on the next plant. Same thing. .3 going in 5.2 runoff


Active Member
So how is everyone today. Figured id drop an update. Girls are looking ok considering. Def some noticeable new growth. Gonna get some cal mag just in case. Looks like some leaves are taco shaped. Gonna try foliage spray with mg. Till i get tge cal mag. Someone told me Epsom salt in water in a spray bottle spray on leaves. Is this a true method. If so anyone kniw ratio


Well-Known Member
So how is everyone today. Figured id drop an update. Girls are looking ok considering. Def some noticeable new growth. Gonna get some cal mag just in case. Looks like some leaves are taco shaped. Gonna try foliage spray with mg. Till i get tge cal mag. Someone told me Epsom salt in water in a spray bottle spray on leaves. Is this a true method. If so anyone kniw ratio
Tblspoon per gallon....but that doesn't look like mg deficiency