Help needed second grow


Active Member
So hopefully someobe can help me out. My second grow I've got four based plants under six 42w cfl and six four foot alternating spectrum flouro. Using fox farms ocean forest soil no nutrients tet. Just ph 6.5 plain water. Lower leaves srarting showing some tip burn and yellowing. Now its severe and up on middle fan leaves. Pics attached. Help please. They are starting week 3 of veg. 30 days fron sprout if that helps. They are slowed growing as well. But the seedlings and the fourth plant seem fine all on the same regimen so far except watering Times



What temperature is the grow? If the CFL's are too hot it can cause burning...

I've been told that if you hold your hand under the lights for 1 min and the warmth is uncomfortable it's going to feel the same to your plant.


Well-Known Member
I'd monitor the temperature, get a breeze blowing across them. Start adding 1/2 strength veg nutes, one with higher nitrogen once/week. Wait till the pot is light light before you water again and when you do water make sure you get a good amount of runoff. Then hold the pot at an angle and let it drain further until all the running and drips stop . When you switch to blooming keep using the high nitrogen for one week then switch to the flowering nutrients at 1/2 strength until the plants are ready to accept a higher dose . Hang in there all is not lost and remember get a healthy breeze flowing across those plants


Well-Known Member
How well do you have your reflector on those walls? I can see its not to flat but I don't want to base this off just that....what is it anyway? Some materials and if it's not correctly put on it can create hot spots, especially like Craig was saying the breeze is important to help with that and strengthen the stems


Active Member
I let them dry out completely and the walls are lined with Mylar. Its kinda shitty im thinking about going with flat white walls. I have a good size fan blowing over the plants. They get great motion. Never still. Someone else was saying mg deficiency. So your saying its safeto feed with a good veg fert low strength. The temp is a little warm but not uncomfortable. So i hsve the fan. Change the reflector material and start feeding a veg fert? The root rot may be a possibility. I haven't been getting a proper run off when i water. I will start paying closer mind to that. do you think i can save them


lots of people are having nothing but problems from foxfarm soil even the suppler has run out of the original mix and is starting to add bark and all sorts of stuff the ph can be as low as 4.2 in some bags and even some have reported the bags to be contaminated with bugs


Well-Known Member
lots of people are having nothing but problems from foxfarm soil even the suppler has run out of the original mix and is starting to add bark and all sorts of stuff the ph can be as low as 4.2 in some bags and even some have reported the bags to be contaminated with bugs
All I have used so far is foxfarms happy frog. My plants like it.


As already mentioned, ffof is notoriously too hot, particularly for seedlings/clones. I cut mine 50/50 mix with happy frog and a little dolomite lime. It's been fine for my white widow autoflowers which went directly into the soil from seed.

If the problem is nute burn, adding more ferts will of course make the problem worse. Personally I wouldn't throw any nutes at them, as ocean forest has enough nutes to grow your plants for probably the first month; some people say even through the whole veg stage.

I should add that I threw veg nutes at my plants in ocean forest too early and started to get a slight nute burn on one of the plants. I backed off and the problem subsided.
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Active Member
So what im getting out of this is it could be nutrient burn. my water ph is 6.3 going in 6.5 runoff. So im thinking that is ok. Suggest trying happy frog. Or is there another soil i can try. Or should i just keep going with the plain ph balanced water and hope it adjusts?


Active Member
Also i forgot to mention about a week ago i gave a floralicious additive to supplement nitrogen. Its a concentrated 2-0.8-0.2 could that have burned then. Its a general hydroponics product.


possible could be if its the first time you used it you need to use far less then stated on the bottle autos don't like to much nutes in the first few week of growth then after thay don't like too much less is more with autos


Also i forgot to mention about a week ago i gave a floralicious additive to supplement nitrogen. Its a concentrated 2-0.8-0.2 could that have burned then. Its a general hydroponics product.
In my opinion, (for what it's worth) yes. I believe that's probably what did it. I think when using ocean forest, it's probably best to wait to add any nutes until after a month. And when you do add nutes, start at like 1/4 teaspoon per gallon.


Active Member
Ok i am inclined to agree with that. I used it in my last grow but nit till two weeks before light cycle change. So what can i do now. I dont want to lose these three. The last round was so potent it was insane. And i did reduce it to 1/4 of the recommended dose. Both last run and this one. I just want to save my girls.


Active Member
So how sure are we that this is burn. Someone ekse mentioned mag deficiency because of the curled up edges and the veins are fairly dark green with yellowing in between


Ok i am inclined to agree with that. I used it in my last grow but nit till two weeks before light cycle change. So what can i do now. I dont want to lose these three. The last round was so potent it was insane. And i did reduce it to 1/4 of the recommended dose. Both last run and this one. I just want to save my girls.
If the problem is indeed nute burn, you could flush them.
This is pretty much where my knowledge ends, as I've never flushed before. You'll need to search/get info on flushing. Basically it's just pouring a lot of ph balanced water, sometimes in combo with a flushing solution, through the pots in an effort to flush out the excess nutes.