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  1. M

    day 40 of 12/12 Heavyweight Fruit Punch buds stopped swelling?

    Don't count from the flip. You're at day 40. Be patient, they will continue to grow. Don't rush it. Very nice!
  2. M

    First solo grow; looking for advice/info/ general info about nutes

    You may want to look in Fox Farms, I personally don't use their products but, it seems that a lot of people do with great results.
  3. M

    Confused...double flowering ???

    Good luck!
  4. M

    Confused...double flowering ???

    I wouldn't worry so much about the pistils, that happens all to often. You should always harvest by looking at the tricromes. That's number one rule of thumb.
  5. M


    I think you are a bit to close with the pic, I wish I could help. You may just want to post a pic without the macro lens.
  6. M

    I made it to harvest! Thanks for all the help

    Great job! It's tough to get there sometimes. Looks awesome. Still takes a bit of patience for the drying and curing. Good luck! Enjoy
  7. M

    should i cut my losses- better safe than sorry

    My advise would be to use a trail cam. I have them everywhere around my plants so I always know if anyone has been a little to curious. Might be a little late now but you may want to keep it in mind for next year. I busted my best friend helping his self to one of my ladies two years ago. Taught...
  8. M

    Day 78 - should flowering start soon?

    I'm not far from Pa. I'm in Va, and mine started flowering August 1st. You may want to try to get you an indoor set up of some kind, to finish them out. It's going to get cold here soon and you aren't going to have time to finish them out. Good luck!