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  1. Lil green leaves

    Powdery mildew need help

    Ok thank you for the information.
  2. Lil green leaves

    Powdery mildew need help

    I've been told not to spray green cure on flowering plants.... have you done this with no repercussions?
  3. Lil green leaves

    Powdery mildew need help

    Thx for all the advice guys.... I'll see if I can get something today. Anymore advice is welcome.
  4. Lil green leaves

    Powdery mildew need help

    I have been growing for about a year now so I know most of the basics.... I have great air flow and exchange.. but I'm just worried about useing some of the products that you spray on the plant because I use my herb for medical treatment. I don't mind spending a Lil cash on my plants I just want...
  5. Lil green leaves

    Powdery mildew need help

    So I'm about day 50 of flower, I noticed it starting about 2 weeks ago. Once I noticed the pm it was to late to use my sulfur burner as I'm not in veg anymore, so I went to my local grow shop and got some stuff called white wash.... I have been spraying every day and the pm keeps popping up. At...
  6. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    Haha I didn't.... don't know why everyone is so baffled that I got 30 oz off two plants.... it was ez.... all I did was do my research.... read some more and bam my 2nd grow 30oz off two plants... But thanks that was a funny joke.:bigjoint::weed:
  7. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    55% indica 45% sativa
  8. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    Yes four weeks of veg.
  9. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    They are called plant yo_yo.... and that is Dry weight
  10. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    I cleaned the wax paper after and saved it.
  11. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    Here they are.... You really can't see the whole plant.... But my canopy for the both of them combine was 10 feet by 5 feet.
  12. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    Well my friend I did.... and yes they were from clones here is a pic of the clones.... in that pic there is 3 blue dream that turned Hermie.... and the other three are my bubblegum witch I had to get rid of one due to them getting so big....
  13. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    No it is dry weight. And thx
  14. Lil green leaves

    Two plants 30 oz!

    Well I feel I did great on my 2nd grow ever.... lots and lots of reading.... got 30 oz off two bubblegum.... veged for 4 weeks and flowered for 64 days.... just got done with final weight and bam 30 oz!!!! Oh I forgot I had each plant under a 600w hps.... pics here.... thx for checking it...
  15. Lil green leaves

    Strange Spotted Leaves

    Yes you need a 60x.... I like my 100x .... was only 15$ on Amazon.... looks like mites to me....... I had mites once, not a bad case, went and got 1500 ladybugs for 7.99$ at the local pet shop.... cleaned them mites right up.
  16. Lil green leaves

    Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

    That's a great idea.... But if I used something like that I would need fifty of those for just two plants hehe
  17. Lil green leaves

    Best Compost Tea!?!?!?!

  18. Lil green leaves

    Trying to be patient.. when to harvest

    If you can't see the tricks I would harvest at day 70 of flower.... But you can buy a 30-60 magnifying glass on Amazon for like 5 $ after shipping.
  19. Lil green leaves

    Main stalk split in half!!! HELP!

    Use a razor blade to get the zip ties off.