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  1. Lil green leaves


    Lots of light....
  2. Lil green leaves


    Well as many of you may know.... pics don't do any justice to what it really looks like.... it seems any time I take a pic the pic ends up way darker.... I have lots of light.... 600w hps.... per plant.. lots of light.... there are guys on here useing half the lights I am......
  3. Lil green leaves


    Dude I think I have enough light.... I have a 600w hps for each plant. Is that not enough....?
  4. Lil green leaves


    How come your the one and only grower that says this???????
  5. Lil green leaves


    Ya I can't do 24 this time anyway.... temps toping out around 81....
  6. Lil green leaves


    I know they won't die.... tell ya what I'll try it again and see what I like.... well see what my girls like.
  7. Lil green leaves


    I did 24_0 last time I like 18_6 less power, less heat and there is always night in the world.... So why would my plants like a day with no night?
  8. Lil green leaves


    I vegged in 18_6 for four weeks.... But as u can see my bubblegum in the pics I posted are doing great!...... the two blue dream I threw out and the two bubblegum still growing have the same exact care.... So I'm not sure what happened.... all I know if I threw out the two blue dream....
  9. Lil green leaves


    Thx guys.... I removed both plants and started over with a bunch of different types pics here.... also the other two bubblegum I have at day 30 across the hall.... the pics are from a few days ago
  10. Lil green leaves


    Well I just threw out the plants like right after this post.... here is a pic of them at 23 days flower...... sad face......
  11. Lil green leaves


    No I have one other plant in the same room.... But across the hall I have two more so.... I think it's time to chop her down.... very sad I'm at day 26 or so into flower.......
  12. Lil green leaves


    Looks like small banners coming out.... just not yellow yet .... what do u see?
  13. Lil green leaves

    2nd grow ever, 2 bubblegum and 2 blue dream

    Ok I sure will wait.... I have a 100x magnifying glass.... So I'll wait for the tricks, Heck I don't want to have all four of those plants finish at the same time anyways.... haha I would have a bigger job on my hands all at once.
  14. Lil green leaves

    2nd grow ever, 2 bubblegum and 2 blue dream

    Thx. I'm hoping they are Gona be rdy around 70 days....
  15. Lil green leaves

    2nd grow ever, 2 bubblegum and 2 blue dream

    Thx bro.... I'm not sure about the blue dream.... very lanky plant....hope it starts packing on some weight.
  16. Lil green leaves

    2nd grow ever, 2 bubblegum and 2 blue dream

    So I'm doing blue dream and bubblegum in roots organics soil.... useing General hydroponics nutes....I vegged for four weeks from clones. I had 6 plants but I had to give two away because my girls over took my room. But now I'm left with four big plants.... two plants per room under a 600w hps...
  17. Lil green leaves

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    Make sure you get unsulfered molasses.... u can get it at the super market.
  18. Lil green leaves

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    I'm having a problem like yours but not as bad.... I asked my long time friend and grower.... he told me I need to give my plants cal_mag and some molasses.... hope this helps.
  19. Lil green leaves

    Venting to the attic through a closet..

    Heck if u want you can just tie into one of your attic vents.... all those do is let your attic breath.... if you have four taken out one of them will be no big deal....
  20. Lil green leaves

    Venting to the attic through a closet..

    Well if you can't tell by the area they are coming into the attic they this might help.... for the most part any duct coming from the furnace will be a 6 inch duct.... and a fart fan may be a four inch.... if they are all the same size just simply turn on your furnace and go to the attic and...