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  1. D

    Calcium deficiency?

    No calcium, it looks like potassium def. What do you giving them as a nute? Could you still water the soil when it is still wet, not about to dry? What is your LED? Because: " With strong LED and HPS grow lights, you might be overheating the leaves. These will show burn symptoms even if the...
  2. D

    Same soil, same nutes, different strain. Wtf

    These are the almost suitable npk balance to growing cannabis: Early veg: 1-1-1 Full Veg: 2-1-2 Early Flowering: 1-1-1 Full Flowering: 1-2-2 Last Flowering: 0-1-2
  3. D

    Buds are dense but not sticky pictures explain

    Totally genetic, if the reason was high nitrogen, we couldn't see dense bud like yours!
  4. D


    At first glance, nitrogen(starting from bottom&general yellowing) and potassium deficiency(brown spots on bottom leaves) are seen.If your soil has nutrients then the roots can't get the food. So, there can be two reasons. (I agree that other factors are ideal) 1)You have bad water 2)You have bad...
  5. D

    My girl is sick!!

    Almost impossible to see problem because of ph unless you have bad water(high ppm/extreme ph) or bad soil(mixed with salts)..
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    My girl is sick!!

    Yeah, I want to see those who insist that the problem is ph!
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    My girl is sick!!

    Definitely aggressive topping cause too much stress and plant gets sick. Raising the light gives them a rest for healing and so it seems working.. I suggest you give it some more time to regain health.
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    My girl is sick!!

    He is growing organic and there is a fact that "The more organic matter in the soil, generally the less the soil pH matters as far as nutrient absorption. The natural process of soil breaking down helps make nutrients more available to the roots." As we know that the plant is 6 weeks old and in...
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    Humidity Concern!!

    It's nice to see you are worrying on your girls, but your concern is a bit too much.
  10. D

    Wtf is the issue

    Maybe lack of fresh air, post ur growing conditions to be sure exact problem
  11. D

    My girl is sick!!

    I have no idea your soil and ferts so i cannot talk about them but it is not ph, not temp(but 23-26 C is ideal), it looks like you have given it too much stress.. try to let it grow without topping.