Calcium deficiency?


I have two gorilla glue clones that just started doing this. Just transplanted into new pots with fox farm ocean forest soil. Grown indoors. Been feeding them straight runoff with a PH of about 6.4. just started after the fox farm. Let me know what you guys think. Only a couple leaves on each plant.



Well-Known Member
Right now, I would lean more toward transplant stress. It is easy to stress your little one out when giving her more room. I would watch for a couple days and see if it spreads.


Active Member
No calcium, it looks like potassium def.
What do you giving them as a nute?
Could you still water the soil when it is still wet, not about to dry?
What is your LED? Because: " With strong LED and HPS grow lights, you might be overheating the leaves. These will show burn symptoms even if the overall temperature is cool. "


Definitely not a light issue. Im using 4-48" t-8 led 5000k (2200 lumens) and 3-24" t-5 led 30 watt full spectrum lights. Been using them for some time with no issues whatsoever. I've been feeding them just a little bit of fox farm grow big currently but nothing excessive by any means. I've spoken with a few other local gents who don't seem to think it's anything to worry about unless it gets worse. I appreciate any advice though for sure.


Well-Known Member
I've found Fox Farm Ocean Forest to have everything a plant needs for at least the first couple of weeks - obviously depending on a lot of factors such as pot size, environmental variables, genetics, etc..

Looks like a little bit of transplant stress to me as well - wait and see would be the advice I give at this point.

Good Luck!