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  1. I

    marijuana halucinations?

    yes, ive had a couple real halucinations on weed and ive had the semi halucination from weed, ill explain ok so first ill explain the real halucination It was probibly in my first 20 times smoking and we had been smokin pretty hard (like 10 bowls) and me and my boy were chillin in his room...
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    Could Call It Acid...

    i watched something on TV where they therapist analyze drawings and by the looks of all the eyes "u think ur being scrutinized by the world and judged" idk im high and i remembered the show
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    You ever heard of this?????

    make it ur mother plant eh
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    You ever heard of this?????

    i think mines doing the same thing... i think it means it isnt gettin enough light so its makin more leaves to help obsorb light... just a hunch mines under a tree and its shadow
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    Is this type of mason jar ok?

    i plan to use 2 ball mason jars... it should be fine... my dank is going to have just the stightest of moonshine flavoring since thats what i used the jars for... apple pie flavor :p
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    Hemp Pets

    does anyone have a link to where i can get one of these
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    marijuana laced

    didnt u say u wer outside? i blieve ya did... and ifthey dialated under a light then tht woul just go go to show u wernt on anthing
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    marijuana laced

    shaking hads arent exactly signs of coke.... if u were outside this time of year u were probibly shivering... u see goin outside while high when its cold intinsifies ur sinces so ur body thought it was pretty cold... as for the dialated pupils... well duh most grade a weed will do that (plus it...
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    Drug Etiquette!!!

    his name is howard marks.... haha his name was in thedescription of the video on youtube people come on.... your welcome
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    marijuana laced

    and im guessing u thought u were trippin the whole time right and no if they were indeed hippies they 100% would have know laced weed+lsd doesnt work they were laughin at you the whole time.... and dont talk shit about hippies just cuz there happier than you and they played a dirty trick on you
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    marijuana laced

    sounds like those dirty hippies plyed you for a fuckin fool... weed cant be laced with LSD because the chmicals wll be distroyed during the fire... i bet they just wanted to see how fuced up ud act jut because they knew you thought u could get away with it becaus eu tought u weretrippn...
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    Fun Game

    i got at the last obsticle on lvl 4
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    Drug Etiquette!!!

    dont take someone to the projects to split a bag of weed lol srry im watchin a show about gangs in the projects..... dont light a bowl, sliff, blunt in the middle of a crowded room of smokers and expect not to get a couple of begging eyes... really u souldnt light anything in a room and not...
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    Fun Game

    i LOLd a couple times from that but imalso pretty high i ets pretty intinse i just wished it didnt have a live count
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    Fun Game

    haha that gae is fun as hell. just beat qualifying lvl with touch pad mouse....
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    Drug Etiquette!!!

    if you fuck up. (blow the bowl, drop the joint in the wet cocrete) you sit your ass out and people can rag on you as much as they want, you jut sit there and take it. this one time when i was a wee one we piked up this kid and his cousin to go smoke a bowl... on the car ride the kid kept...
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    Hemp Pets

    thats fuckin dope
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    Biggest Fear.Busted.

    not to be mean or anything but if u cared that much you wouldnt be growing... ur love for getting high over powers u love for your dog... or maybe u really dont care at all. plus this was a useless post what r we spose to reply
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    HIGH IQ society

    i got 140... but im crazy smart... i dont see myself as being smart but people r always like ur so fin smart... im like yeah... i guess its cuz im online alot and read alot of strange facts online and find out alot of useless info that eventually comes in handy :D
  20. I

    When did you start to smoke Ganja?

    i started the last day of 7th grade... holy shit we were high too... i think i should ofwaited because i think it stunts the rate of brain maturity... now i have personality disorder i dopped out... and now im jobless but man have i lived life and i find that as all that matters cuz u only get 1...