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  1. GoHAM32

    Broken branches.. Infection?

    It's not the break I was worried as much. I think some how the plant got an infection. I'll keep my eye on it. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse. I wish I was able to take better pictures. These streaks I'm talking about are not good at all lol I can tell that. Hopefully she kicks it and it...
  2. GoHAM32

    Broken branches.. Infection?

    No spider mites at all actually idk what you were seeing lol maybe some perlite on the leaves. But no mites at all. Thanks I'll have to try this next time!
  3. GoHAM32

    Broken branches.. Infection?

    Pictures do not do it justice. I didn't realize how hard it would be to take a pic of the under carriage
  4. GoHAM32

    Broken branches.. Infection?

    Anybody? I'm thinking a type of canker from what I've seen but at the same time there is no lesions just odd streaking of a brown black color. Would adding some hydrogen peroxide to my watering tomorrow give me some help at recovering. I'll take pics tomorrow and post them.
  5. GoHAM32

    Broken branches.. Infection?

    Well I am scrogging right now I'm a bit past 2 weeks into flowering. I had 2 branches break off completely and now there are some black and brown streaks. Not noticeable at first glance but I inspected all branches and have noticed where the breaks occurred its a little brown and black around...
  6. GoHAM32

    Chronic thunder outdoor grow log

    Looking good. Smells awesome.
  7. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    So the back corner is missing some weight now which sucks ass. I'm trying to clone them to get what I can get from them
  8. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    Fuck fuckin fuck. Two branches broke off, idk how but my screen fell off I had it drilled into the wood too. I'm trying to clone the two that fell off hopefully it works and I can keep them because they were big fuckin branches. I'll post pics tomorrow. Tons of pistils coming in
  9. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    Yeah man I wish I woulda flipped a little sooner. But with a little tying down I was able to handl a few colas to go back level with the screen. Once I get some serious flowers I'll post a pic. Right now just getting pistils. Anyone have an idea with weight I can pull off it?
  10. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    4 days into flowering and seeing some pistils. She's gotten massive lol
  11. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    Makes sense so basically whatever you have to do to keep it all even.
  12. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    This doesn't matter any more lol in already here. I have a lot towards the back to still fill actually I just originally bent the plant that way so I've been moving the branches kinda one hole towards the back every day that has actually opened a lot of it up. But at least I know next time lol...
  13. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    This is about how much room I have to go up.
  14. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    Lol I have about 2 feet of growth up. And I don't even want that much so I probably will tie them down a bunch. This pic is from today I just took it
  15. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    Yeah mine is a sativa dom. Thanks for the advice
  16. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    Ok cool. This is my first real scrog. Last one kinda ended up being an LST. So I'm still new to the scrog part. But I've seen what a good scrog can yield and I only grow one or two at a time if I can double or triple my yield from going vertical to scrog I said why am I not doing that. So for...
  17. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    Alright cool. I'm only in my 3rd day of flowering so I trained them under the screen one more time. It really helped finish filling it out. Now I'm just going to let then go up through the screen. Thanks for the advice man
  18. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    I I'm a little stoned right now lol but you literally mean just top it even while it flower?
  19. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    How much you think it will stretch up? I'm working with a lot of limited height. So trying to figure out a plan B just in case I need to do some LST during flowering to make sure I have plenty of height. I think I will have enough height just a little nervous lol I'll have to cut some fan leaves...
  20. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    That's what I decided. They are staying off for 12 hours then on for 12 hours.