Chronic thunder outdoor grow log


Active Member
So I have a chronic thunder Barney's farm outdoors in a 5 gallon grow bag. I'll keep everyone updated. I'm a little bummed growth has been stupid slow but I think the problem was too much shade where I had her in the original spot. Getting much more direct sunlight now I would say close to ten hours now. Never done an outdoor grow but this site is the marijuana guru on information. Anything I've ever needed to know roll it up is where I go. But enough with that. I'm using roots organic soil and roots Buddha grow and bloom for the nutes. Anyone have any advice for my first outdoors grow? I'll post a pic sometime tomorrow.


Active Member
It's not in the ground. It's in a 5 gallon grow bag. I started it in a jiffy pot and that picture was when I was going to put it in the ground but opted against it because the sunlight. With the 5 gal bag I get like 10 hours of direct sunlight. But I haven't seen any new growth in like 1 week. I mean it's started to worry me. It looks super healthy. Perfect green. I think it has just been the lack of sun light. The internode shoots are not even growing up until yesterday but so slow. Anyone ever had a problem like this? Plant is looking super healthy but hardly growing?



Well-Known Member
Have you ruffled the topsoil to check for soil dwelling bugs? That could be a possibility. Or it may just seem slow because you are checking on it so damn much lol. What are the temps like in your area?


Active Member
Lmao haha that could be true. But idk I check on it once a day just to make sure no problems. I have some sage and sour inside and it's growing like a beast. Mid 60s at night 70s to mid 80s during the day nothing to extreme. I thought maybe I was checking on it a lot but I've just never had a plant grow so slow I guess idk. I'm just so confused because it looks healthy. Only thing I've seen is ants I just didn't think they could do any damage? I've never grown outdoors. But I've seen the results lol can't pass that up.


Well-Known Member
It'll take off before you know it. I'm experiencing the same thing but with autoflowers. I've never messed with them before and I'm sure I screwed something up along the way. I think from now on I'll stick with what I know.. photoperiod plants.


Active Member
Yeah man. I checked on it today and it's starting to get some noticeable growth still nothing to brag about lol so I'm hoping she really starts to take off. I was just like what did I do so wrong haha I did one auto and didn't get crap from it hardly so I opted against them ever again lol


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what I did wrong. I know with my Fast and Vast auto's, the soil was a little too hot at first... I vegged them for a few weeks and transplanted to 2'x2' holes backfilled with my own soil mixture. All the Photoperiod plants love it. They're too touchy for me though. I might try them some other time indoors when I can control the environment. Good luck with the rest of your grow!


Active Member
Thanks brother. You too. I'll see if I can get some more pics up tomorrow. To show the new growth. Any idea on weight with 5 months in 5 gallon bag? 10 hours of direct sun light. I know it's a hard question to answer because all the variables but just throw me a number


Well-Known Member
It all comes down to genetics IMO.. But I'm not really qualified to answer that question because I've never grown in grow bags or pots outdoors.. I always grow directly in the ground. . With amended soil of course.


Well-Known Member
So I have a chronic thunder Barney's farm outdoors in a 5 gallon grow bag. I'll keep everyone updated. I'm a little bummed growth has been stupid slow but I think the problem was too much shade where I had her in the original spot. Getting much more direct sunlight now I would say close to ten hours now. Never done an outdoor grow but this site is the marijuana guru on information. Anything I've ever needed to know roll it up is where I go. But enough with that. I'm using roots organic soil and roots Buddha grow and bloom for the nutes. Anyone have any advice for my first outdoors grow? I'll post a pic sometime tomorrow.
Most definitely, without a doubt if you can maintain till Buddha bloom; you will be most certainly a happy camper.
Roots organics somehow exploits the full taste of the herb. Ive been using RO for 6 years now, the taste is really
spectacular, good luck man. Im shocked most users rant and rave about FF; whoa RO.....