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  1. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    I you throw out numbers you should have something to back it up. So id like to see this. That only equals 14% btw. Where's the rest of them. You not caring what people believe is ignorant. That causes barriers between people. Fact is you should care says every psychologist ever because that's...
  2. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    I completely agree with religion being extremely lazy.. I don't claim to be any type of religion but I do believe in God. I have a problem with a lot of religions saying there God is right etc. I take parts of the ancient alien theory. NASA even says the chances of there being much higher...
  3. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    I personally know a lot of people that believe in God with masters degrees or higher. In all different fields. That is your opinion them being generally mutually exclusive. Christian sciences is a belief system that I know nothing about because it is not my own. I do think LOL'ing at it is...
  4. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    I believe God does exist that's my opinion. it's funny that you say right wingers lol if people would get off this right wing, left wing, fuckin tea party bull shit. America would be a much better place instead were full of a bunch of uneducated, non cultured, idgaf about anything else but my...
  5. GoHAM32

    Dread heads

    I've been growing my hair out for some time. I'm thinking another 2 months and I'm going to dread it. My cousin said he would do mine for me reverse crocheting it. I've seen his work. He spent 9 hours on a guys hair and looked like the dude had his dreads for like 3 months and they were fresh...
  6. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    This made me chuckle lol. I disagree with buck respectfully because you categorized all Christians. I don't agree with what he's doing. But you stabbed your self for saying I'm like him.
  7. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    Too funny. I just stated the obvious. You quoted your own post. You also should try and continue your education because at some points in your post I feel like I am deciphering the davinci code. Now I'm done being an ass hole.
  8. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    I just don't understand the high rep oly movements. Even oly athletes do them for few reps for explosive power.
  9. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    How's she look any advice to fill out the sides faster I've been bending the branches down more to help them stretch out farther
  10. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    Dude greasy stuff fucks my stomach all up lol and the wife hates me for it
  11. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    Holy shit you just quoted your own post lol but this is a weight loss link. Id rather push the healthy side of weight loss rather than the weak un healthy side like drinking and not eating. That's fucked up. For real.
  12. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    I'm so confused. Alcohol is the worst type of calorie possible. It's literally nutrient void. It's the first thing your body uses as energy which means everything else starts to be stored. Moderation is key I guess. But having a healthy mind and body means you shouldn't be dependent on any...
  13. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    Will be posting some pics up tonight. I have my screen about 6-7 inches above the medium. Sucks but I'm working with very limited space lol so training branches has proven to be a mother effer
  14. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    Speaking of 6 pack there was some very small kid in the gym today. Young probably 18 so of course he walked like he was the main cock lol liftin his shirt up flexing his abs. Some girl walks up to him and says being skinny with abs is like being fat and having huge tits. It was freaking...
  15. GoHAM32

    Sage and sour?

    I'm scroggin it. It's amazing depending on the smoke from this grow if may end up buying some more of the seeds. I have some chronic thunder I'm hoping to pull a lot of weight off of to. It's suppose to be a heavy hitter but we will see. I love sour D and if I get that with sage weight I'll be...
  16. GoHAM32

    Chronic thunder outdoor grow log

    She's starting to come around!!
  17. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    I have a frien like that also. He weighs like 140 but can almost hang with me doing weighted pull ups. I've gotten up to 90lbs for 3 he's done it for 1. It was bad ass. I outweigh him by like 60-70 lbs. he's a beast though
  18. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    Dude American ninja warrior is bad ass!!! I love rock climbing. There's a small bluff next to a river where I live me and my brother in law climb. I haven't found any good climbing spots in Indiana. When I lived in MO and NC there were tons. They do have a pretty nice rock climbing gym here but...
  19. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    How filled out was your screen befor you flipped the lights to 12/12?
  20. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    That's pretty bad ass to swim that for real! I only run and lift weights. I don't have many places around me to swim without it being an Olympic size pool which is mucho boring lol