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  1. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 15 flower- death of plant... RIP Due to the first gnat problem and then what was diagnosed by several others as sever nutrient burns caused the plant to get burned beyond repair i attempted a flush but it didnt work. Ill be setting up a new design and i have definitely learned a ton with...
  2. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Flowering day 10 day 50 of grow, the last and final irene kush plant has finally showed that shes a female sprouting pistils from the tips and also it being much smaller than the males it makes sense. I now have this plant centered in the box and all 450 watts of light angled to surround it. Im...
  3. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    #New Project / Grow Build# Already measuring areas to possibly do a larger grow inside the house so i will have the a/c or heat as needed for the season. Perhaps a closet or attic area
  4. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Flowering Day 44 of Grow- 9 of flower- 1 more plant was a positive ID for early male pollen sacks and was killed the last which doesmt show growth like the others at all i beleive is a female getting what looks like small pistils ive focused all my light on this one plant now hoping for super...
  5. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Flowering Day 43- Sigh I found my last 2 to be males tonight clearly supwing beginning pollen sacks of the male flower damn random seeds, lesson learned reputable feminized seeds only from a good company. Ill probly be re designing my set up while im waiting to get ready for the next. Good...
  6. E

    indoor n00b. need some guidance

    You could use a suped up CFL fixture to get around 55,000 lumens using 100-300watt bulbs, i have a custom made bat wing style with 7 hard wired sockets being split to 15 bulbs using 454actual watts, ive got the schematics if interested PM me. Cost of the unit is about $30 depending what you need...
  7. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Flowering Day 42- Found 2 males today, in my largest mr. Nice guy and 1 smaller irene plant both showed male sex today and there for i killed them to make room for the last 2 so that i could put all the focused light onto the 2 plants, the remaining 2 aernt definiteively showing sex yet so ill...
  8. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 36- FLOWERING Day 2- After re ope ing the box on day cycle the plants leaves had become super light green and the smell had become much more potent the 12 / 12 time cycle is being run overnight for coolest temps, box topping out at a high of 80° which is perfect. The plants will be given...
  9. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 35 1st Day FLOWERING- I yesterday i had the plants go dark for 25 hours then am introducing 12 / 12 light cycle with full bloom and flour bloom nutrients. -Box Modification- I am creating a much larger active air filter for the plants due to my previous design using 2 smaller ones, for this...
  10. E


    Ive had great luck with using 80 / 20 percent 2700k / 6500 k for veg then switching to all 2700 k for flowering, i use 100-300watt cfls the bigger ones help with heat rather than having a shit ton of 100 watters or less, in actual wattage 450 plus 55,000 lumens youll get with a 15 bulb set up
  11. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Thanks man, and yeah no problem i did schemtics for almost everything i did just incase someone liked it, and that sounds like a great idea. Im putting in 2 magnetic sockets and a strip of steel 1/2in wide by 2 1/2 feet long to add 2 more CFLS that can be moved. I like how user friendly CFLs are...
  12. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 34- Further trimming on the plants was done, tomorrow ill mount the magnetic strip sockets for supplemental lighting since im about to switch them over to flowering tomorrow or the next day. Nutrients bloom now being added were given to all plants, as well as misting of the leaves. The...
  13. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 34- The last few days of VEG cycle im introducing full strength bloom nutrients along with FloraLicious Plus the same lines of nutes ive used for the entire grow. I plan to switch to flowering in 1-2 days allowing a few more inches of vertical growth. I trimmed all of the plants about 3-4...
  14. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 33- Pt. 2- Re watered all plants with fresh nutrients mixed with rain water, all watered then misted. I proceeded to trim fan leaves away from new growth on all plants, using sharp sheers cuttin at the base of the stems then rinsing the area with water. After trimming the leaves werei...
  15. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 33- Watered the plants wuth full nutrient wix at around 830 this am, the largest plant took a full half gallon and another 3/4 gal was split between 3. The leaves were trimmed last ight and more will be trimmed tonight to allow new growth to receive light.
  16. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 32- Contd I lightly watered all plants with abput a gallon pf fresh rain water ( 1/4 gal.) Per plant. Tomorrow ill continue nutrients. The box modifocation is almost complete both fans installed the front light catcher/ fan filter is complete the rear is drying with JB weld and will be...
  17. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 32- Grow Journal I have continued raising the lights to stretch the plant during these last weeksnof vegetative cycle, im using more concentrated nutrients PH balanced to 5.6, the plants are also being trimmed, fan leaves 2-3 will be cut per plant to allow new growth to receive more light...
  18. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Updated day 31 pics of plants
  19. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 31- ive continued to stretch the plants, making each grow a seperate long cola cince they have been topped. Ill switch to flower in 7-12 days depending on their size. I havent added the newest active intakes with fans yet, due to lpng work sched. But I plan to do this project tomorrow and...
  20. E

    My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1

    Day 30- All the plants are looking great! After topping ive began to stretch them in preparation to flower, im also adding additional bloom nutes now and 3/4 as much Flora Micro, Gro. The plants are rotared a quarter every 8 hours and I am pushing more light on the areas where ive trimmed fan...