My 450watt Super CFL Grow Box- Grow 1


Well-Known Member
Damn, never knew you could get magnetic baton holders :( ah well, the drawer runners should still work hey!
Man, more cfls in yours, wow your girls should get massive :-D


Day 35 1st Day FLOWERING-
I yesterday i had the plants go dark for 25 hours then am introducing 12 / 12 light cycle with full bloom and flour bloom nutrients.
-Box Modification- I am creating a much larger active air filter for the plants due to my previous design using 2 smaller ones, for this i took a 6in galvanized duct work about 1 3/4 ft long and drilled about 100 1/2in holes through it equally every inch, inside another tube of chicken wire then fine mesh will be applied the same size as the cylinder but 5in. In diameter, insode this nylon batting and activated carbon. Ill then fabricate a reducer for the exhaust and mount to the filtet. Ill post pics along the way, the design of filter is based on a $125 filter from my local hydro store.



Day 36- FLOWERING Day 2-
After re ope ing the box on day cycle the plants leaves had become super light green and the smell had become much more potent the 12 / 12 time cycle is being run overnight for coolest temps, box topping out at a high of 80° which is perfect. The plants will be given full bloom nutrients later today once day cycle turns on, i will mix up 5 gal. Of nutrients later to have plenty on hand and ready. On one plant theres an area that almost appears pistil like but i dpubt it would be shpwing sex this soon but it would be nice especially since its the largest.
Below is a pic of the filter, the secondary inner tube made of chicken wire then wire mesh this will be capped on one end loosely and the other will be the plug in for the intake. Pics will be uploaded later.


Flowering Day 42- Found 2 males today, in my largest mr. Nice guy and 1 smaller irene plant both showed male sex today and there for i killed them to make room for the last 2 so that i could put all the focused light onto the 2 plants, the remaining 2 aernt definiteively showing sex yet so ill keep checking daily until they do. The hight of the largest plant when it was killed was 33 1/2 in. Tall, with a nice 1in. Stem, oh well ill hope these last 2 are ladys and next time feminized seeds will def be used.


Flowering Day 43- Sigh I found my last 2 to be males tonight clearly supwing beginning pollen sacks of the male flower damn random seeds, lesson learned reputable feminized seeds only from a good company. Ill probly be re designing my set up while im waiting to get ready for the next. Good growin guys, hope everyone has better luck than me


Flowering Day 44 of Grow- 9 of flower- 1 more plant was a positive ID for early male pollen sacks and was killed the last which doesmt show growth like the others at all i beleive is a female getting what looks like small pistils ive focused all my light on this one plant now hoping for super bloom results.


#New Project / Grow Build#
Already measuring areas to possibly do a larger grow inside the house so i will have the a/c or heat as needed for the season. Perhaps a closet or attic area


Flowering day 10 day 50 of grow, the last and final irene kush plant has finally showed that shes a female sprouting pistils from the tips and also it being much smaller than the males it makes sense. I now have this plant centered in the box and all 450 watts of light angled to surround it. Im experiencing an issue with gnats or another bug getting in through my passive intakes ive begun butting fine nylon panty hose over the mesh already in place to keep these out and hopefully this will solve my problem. Ill be posting pics later, gpod growin everyone. Im releived to know atleast one was a female so it wont be a waste of energy.


Day 15 flower- death of plant... RIP
Due to the first gnat problem and then what was diagnosed by several others as sever nutrient burns caused the plant to get burned beyond repair i attempted a flush but it didnt work. Ill be setting up a new design and i have definitely learned a ton with this first grow. Ill post some new designs as soon as i get some time. Good growing everyone, good luck