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    Cloning outdoor plants, need answers!

    you dont have enough time to clone n all that outdoors anymore, shoulda cloned 3weeks ago n you would've been good. unless you clone and take indoors.
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    First outdoor grow

    for being in ground and 3 months old, its pretty small n lengthy,
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    Height Concerns

    you should top them forsure. dont be afraid to cut your plant. go about one node down and cut the tops. helps with promoting side growth.
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    my supersoil pot outdoor grow

    i was continplating on feeding teas during bloom, but now i think i might just have to. what was your base soil? im using 420 recipe soil, local in cali bay area here so i get it cheap, works fuckn great so far.
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    my supersoil pot outdoor grow

    why is that? what was your experience?
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    my supersoil pot outdoor grow

    What ya guys think? first time doin supersoil water only, cant wait to seethe end results.
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    here in cali i plant april first so i have them sex'd and they reveg in late may early june n i get monsters that usually yeild 1pound or more in 20gal pots
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    what to use for organic pestacides from home?

    so what isthe ratios to water you make your garlic chili spray?? and does it work well?
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    what to use for organic pestacides from home?

    thank you guys very much, this is very helpful
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    what to use for organic pestacides from home?

    ive read jorge cervantez book and he says cinnimon and some kind of chillin. im thinking of boiling cinnamon cayanne and garlic with maybe a little soap added. what do you guys think? and if you have any better recipes for pesticide id love to hear them. my bug problem is spiders. spider mites...
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    Sugar Kush??

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    Sugar Kush??

    anybody grow her out yet? i bought a clone from harborside health in san jose ca.
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    SUGAR KUSH!!!! a

    This is what she looks like right now. Sorry if ya can't see the picbut it won't let me post from my phone to the site.
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    SUGAR KUSH!!!! a

    cmon nobody has any experience with this strain?!?
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    SUGAR KUSH!!!! a

    anyone grown this strain out? i got a clone from Harborside Health in san jose Ca. its Kandy Kush x hash Plant i guess. i live in the central valley and have her in a 20gallon smart pot with supersoil and Recipe 420 soil.
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    hydrated lime messUP in super soil working good!

    Sooo everybody just wanted to share a little boo boo that actually turning out alright. So i Was making supersoil one day, just a 1 bag tester and I put hydrated lime instead of dolomite lime thinking it was the same shit. After reading threads Ifound out I fucked up from what I was reading...
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    Air pump + fabric pot (gio/smart pots) anybody try?

    My theory is if I put a 2gallon gio pot in a ziplock tub and place the hose right under the pot it will bubble the bottom of the soil forcing air and water increasing root development. But I'm guessing it would only work if I had a light puddle of water in the tub. Just stoned thinking
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    whats happening to my seedling, too much ewc?

    I figured out it was a number of things, too hot soil from me adding mg perlite and not realizing it had nutes, heat and overwatering, but I've solved all the problems and ther getting the nice green again. I did not realize in such a small space 6 cfls can get pretty hot. I grow in a 3'x1.5' x...
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    Air pump + fabric pot (gio/smart pots) anybody try?

    So got my small grow goin and thinking of adding a air pump to the bottom of the gio pot. Has anybody tried this, just curious if you get better results, and this would be using organic supersoil and water only..
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    whats happening to my seedling, too much ewc?

    I Dont got alot of room except this little space, so i work with what i got