whats happening to my seedling, too much ewc?


New Member
My little seedling is maybe 3 days old and starting to wilt and shrivle up, i did add more ewc to the soil and miricle grow perlite, im using greenall organic ready to use soil and it already has castings in it, could i have added too much??? Not my first rodeo but a first adding ewc to soil.


Well-Known Member
soil is probably too hot or too much nutes... pics would help determine thing a lot better.


New Member
soil is probably too hot or too much nutes... pics would help determine thing a lot better.
View attachment 3005367 its leaves are still green but just shrivled and this is the soil use and whats in it.
View attachment 3005370 Contains Fir bark, Canadian sphagnum peat moss, composted mushroom soil, volcanic pumice stone, earthworm castings, sand, feather meal, bat guano, and kelp meal.
I plan on making supersoil with this soil, is that a good idea? @hyroot


Well-Known Member
htf do you delete your own post dankthizz?
btw your pic's not showing.

nevermind about the deleting thing I figured it out.


New Member
Thats probably the problem right there, mg is the only perlite they sell around me,, soo thats all bad i just put da mg in my supersoil recipe, will it effect my grow?


Well-Known Member
If your using pumice you do not need to use perlite. pumice acts as an aeration. the pics are showing up fairly small so I can not quite tell. but those little seedlings looked pretty fried? I'm not sure what the permanent wilting point is but there is a point at which they do not recover.

You can either do a few things. Flush with water. Which in a way could cause more problems due to already being stressed out. replanting in another medium that is not as nutrient rich. If it is past its wilting point then it will not bounce back. Either way they will stress the plant more and you would just have to wait and see if it bounces back. I also can not tell if that is EWC around the base of the plant or wet from watering. it looks fairly dry otherwise? if this is the case it needs watering and could be heat stress, under-watering. how close is it to the light? and how dry is the soil?


New Member
Right now im using 4 cfls about 5 inch away and water every day a little. And the stems seem to be browning off a bit soil up towards the leaves


Well-Known Member
yeah them things are fucked. maybe mix it with 4x as much too dilute it and dont use that mg perlite. run bagseed till you can keep a plant live. no sense in wasting cash on good strains just for em too die. happy growing bro


New Member
Ok so out of 3plants one is still growing but slowly, first set of water leaves are yellowing, i know that is normal sometimes but tell me what you guys think is wrong or w.e, havent grown indoors fora while, im usually an outdoor season kinda guy.IMG_20140302_170754.jpgIMG_20140302_170754.jpg


Well-Known Member
your mix is too hot; i guess you already know that from your outdoor growing though; plant responses aren't really that different indoor to outdoor, but the things that cause them are/can be. what's in your mix?


New Member
your mix is too hot; i guess you already know that from your outdoor growing though; plant responses aren't really that different indoor to outdoor, but the things that cause them are/can be. what's in your mix?
I figured out it was a number of things, too hot soil from me adding mg perlite and not realizing it had nutes, heat and overwatering, but I've solved all the problems and ther getting the nice green again. I did not realize in such a small space 6 cfls can get pretty hot. I grow in a 3'x1.5' x 2' deep space, just big enough for a little crop to last till outdoor season