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  1. troyf

    PH pen .... should i trust it ??

    HeyKoda , yer i think after a couple of days of full stress , im gonna go down my grow shop n probably ditch the yellow pen for a better quality one. I spoke to a shop in UK yesterday that suggested an "essentials" ph tester n said it was totally bullet proof. ive read a bit about em n it seems...
  2. troyf

    PH pen .... should i trust it ??

    yer orbo , cheers for that , i guess i may be panicing about nothing. A Ph,d water chaser is a top idea.
  3. troyf

    PH pen .... should i trust it ??

    any sugestions ?
  4. troyf

    PH pen .... should i trust it ??

    Hi everyone , Im 4 weeks into my first indoor grow. Everything gone great so far. I noticed that my Ph pen (4 weeks old) , the yellow one for about 30€ gave a different reading for the tap water. I got some callibration liquid n it was off so i reset it. 2 things here : firstly im worried...
  5. troyf

    adjust ph before or after nutrients ??

    Yer had a go with doing both n seems to have worked pretty good... cheers for your help
  6. troyf

    adjust ph before or after nutrients ??

    Hi everyone, Im just about to start feeding my girlies and i have never adjusted ph before asits my first indoor grow. My question is do i adjust the ph before or after adding nutrients ? Thanks in advance for any help
  7. troyf

    Lights timer has failed

    Thanks for your help ..... i managed to herm a load last year , but it was my first year n i had no idea about light stress or much else , so im hyperactive about herms now
  8. troyf

    Lights timer has failed

    Excellent ... thank you very much , panic over:bigjoint:
  9. troyf

    Lights timer has failed

    Ok thanks for your help.... stress over !! I have got the lights back on, but do you think i should give 24hrs today , then start to reduce hour a day down to 20hrs from tomorrow ?
  10. troyf

    Lights timer has failed

    ahha thats good news ... i feel instantly relaxed ... cheers
  11. troyf

    Lights timer has failed

    Hi all experienced indoor growers.... Would well appreciate any help with a nightmare i woke up to. I have 4 seedlings that have been above soil about 3 days , about 2 or 3 cm tall. i put a timer switch for the lights yesterday afternoon. Yesterday was they're first day of 23 hrs and i planned...
  12. troyf

    130ft2 to grow in 4 months, whats the best options?

    Hi All , I have 130footsq or 12sq meters of room to grow over winter. I want to do one crop , the simplest cheapest most idiot proof way possible, with a goal of the most yield at the end of it. I usually grow gorilla style but had a nightmare this summer , so need to sort it out through the 4...
  13. troyf

    Hermaphrodite ???

    hey , thanks again for all your info. yer they are on a balcony in 13 litre pots n they have sun all day as i move them. its been mad hot 25-30 degrees , but can drop to 10 at night , but not usually that cold. Ok , wish i hadnt destroyed the hermie yesterday , but too late now :cry: . yer...
  14. troyf

    hermies infecting the rest of the crop ... help !!

    Hi all, This is my second grow. The first grow i apparently shocked my auto super skunks and 3 turned hermy. I got rid of them , the other 7 still remaim ,but not with much bud and they are about 60 days now. The second 10 autos are sat beside the first batch. I noticed last night that one has...
  15. troyf

    Are both of my plants hermies?? 5th week of flower

    no , i have a horrible hermie problem, on my second outdoor grow and have hermies coming again. Yours look to me to be all good , they dont have balls.
  16. troyf

    Hermaphrodite ???

    Hi me again, So do you think i shouls get rid of the entire crop. ive got 7 from the first grow, it started with 10 but 3 hermed. sat next to this 7 i have another 7 , one of which is in the photo. So i have about 15 that may all herm assuming that a pollen sac has burst. My real concern is ive...
  17. troyf

    Hermaphrodite ???

    Hey thanks for your info. This is a nightmare. ok ... so i had 10 auto s.skunks to begin with , apparently i may have shocked them with light. Anyway 3 turned fully hermie , so i got rid of them and left the other 7 . The first batch havent produced hardly any bud ( they do have bud , but not...
  18. troyf

    Hermaphrodite ???

    Hi all, I have a 4.5 week old auto super skunk that has grown a couple of balls. Assuming the feminized seeds are 99% sure to be female, does this mean that this is a hermaphrodite?? My last bunch of auto super skunks had 3 out of 10 hermies !! Ive moved it away from the rest , but do i need...
  19. troyf

    so harvest or not ?

    hello all , could do with a definitive yes or no . 62 days in and my auto super skunk are tiny . they are meant to be 45-50 days till harvest. shouls i leave them to hopefully get a bit more bud or harvest them ?
  20. troyf

    harvest super skunk auto,s ?

    yes i read that re-potting auto isnt a good thing and they are easily damaged. in which case i have a whole bunch more that will be the same. my next 10 are healthy but at 4 weeks still really short ,ie 15cm max