Hermaphrodite ???


Hi all,

I have a 4.5 week old auto super skunk that has grown a couple of balls. Assuming the feminized seeds are 99% sure to be female, does this mean that this is a hermaphrodite?? My last bunch of auto super skunks had 3 out of 10 hermies !!
Ive moved it away from the rest , but do i need to destroy it or what ?
thanks for any help , this is my second grow and this hermie thing is starting to do my head in a bit.



Well-Known Member
looks like pollen sacs that already opened. do you just not have a light anywhere near you?, and if theyre feminized, they can still herm. obvs some worse than others but still...and if the hermie you had matured enough to drop pollen..the chances of the other plants getting pollinated in such a small space is pretty high. if you perpetual harvest, well good luck. but id wait until all the plants are done and like clean the shit out of that place with like 5% bleach solution in water. floors walls and everything..you could probs clean it with the plants in there to avoid drafting up pollen wherever it may be..but yeah they might all hermie anyways. was it hermied bad enough that nothing was salvageable?


looks like pollen sacs that already opened. do you just not have a light anywhere near you?, and if theyre feminized, they can still herm. obvs some worse than others but still...and if the hermie you had matured enough to drop pollen..the chances of the other plants getting pollinated in such a small space is pretty high. if you perpetual harvest, well good luck. but id wait until all the plants are done and like clean the shit out of that place with like 5% bleach solution in water. floors walls and everything..you could probs clean it with the plants in there to avoid drafting up pollen wherever it may be..but yeah they might all hermie anyways. was it hermied bad enough that nothing was salvageable?
Hey thanks for your info.
This is a nightmare. ok ... so i had 10 auto s.skunks to begin with , apparently i may have shocked them with light. Anyway 3 turned fully hermie , so i got rid of them and left the other 7 . The first batch havent produced hardly any bud ( they do have bud , but not much , but i put that down to losuy weather) , but dont have balls. (ps im outside on a big balcony by the way). So i then germinated another 10 auto s.skunks and have sat them right beside the original 7. Strangely the new ones are bloody tiny as well. they are almost 5 weeks and about 15 cm tall. and just starting to flower.
Do you think that i may have allowed these to be pollinated as well by sitting them beside the original 7 ? this is my first grow so im making some monumental stuff ups , but i have another 10 in the post so i guess its better to keep the new girliess right away from the first 2 batches ?
Thanks again for your help


looks like pollen sacs that already opened. do you just not have a light anywhere near you?, and if theyre feminized, they can still herm. obvs some worse than others but still...and if the hermie you had matured enough to drop pollen..the chances of the other plants getting pollinated in such a small space is pretty high. if you perpetual harvest, well good luck. but id wait until all the plants are done and like clean the shit out of that place with like 5% bleach solution in water. floors walls and everything..you could probs clean it with the plants in there to avoid drafting up pollen wherever it may be..but yeah they might all hermie anyways. was it hermied bad enough that nothing was salvageable?
Hi me again,
So do you think i shouls get rid of the entire crop. ive got 7 from the first grow, it started with 10 but 3 hermed. sat next to this 7 i have another 7 , one of which is in the photo. So i have about 15 that may all herm assuming that a pollen sac has burst.
My real concern is ive got another 14 , just about a week old , so i really dont want then to get pollinated.
I have another question ,: if they herm doesn that mean that they wont flower ? the reason i ask is becasue the first 7 have actually got some bud , hardly any , but its still bud ?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
what size are the containers? you said on a balcony? what side (direction) do the plants face? is it cold there>? and yeah it will still bud, its hermaphrodite because it has both parts, male and female in which to pollinate itself. yes its still weed, it might have seeds in it depending how pollinated it may be, but itll def be worth smoking, when a plant gets pollinated, it devotes alot of energy to seed production, energy that would otherwise be used producing thc and just hardy-ing the plant, so thats why reggie is reggie, because its super pollinated in mass. ive taken bagseeds and grown out some of the best weed ive ever smoked in my life..

anyways, if you think theres pollen everywhere, id just grow everything out and then clean the shit out of that place then start with a clean space yaknowmsayn..


what size are the containers? you said on a balcony? what side (direction) do the plants face? is it cold there>? and yeah it will still bud, its hermaphrodite because it has both parts, male and female in which to pollinate itself. yes its still weed, it might have seeds in it depending how pollinated it may be, but itll def be worth smoking, when a plant gets pollinated, it devotes alot of energy to seed production, energy that would otherwise be used producing thc and just hardy-ing the plant, so thats why reggie is reggie, because its super pollinated in mass. ive taken bagseeds and grown out some of the best weed ive ever smoked in my life..

anyways, if you think theres pollen everywhere, id just grow everything out and then clean the shit out of that place then start with a clean space yaknowmsayn..
hey , thanks again for all your info. yer they are on a balcony in 13 litre pots n they have sun all day as i move them. its been mad hot 25-30 degrees , but can drop to 10 at night , but not usually that cold.
Ok , wish i hadnt destroyed the hermie yesterday , but too late now :cry: . yer totally makes sense the way youve described the whole hermie thing ..... i thought that if they were male-female they wouldnt produce THC. so ill let these grow , but my new babies ill put them somewhere else. as these are going to be bigger plants with higher yield etc.
Ok cheers again for takin the time to help me out , nice one .