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  1. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    Here are some updated pics taken about 20 mins ago. They seem better. Giving them plain water for about a week longer then might switch to flowering *EDIT* yeah I know turn my hps off - sorry I will take better pics out the tent later. :P Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Rollitup mobile app
  2. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    Will do. I will post some update pics in a day or two. I want to give them a chance to really take in the changes.
  3. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    Quick update - Gave the trainwreck a full dose of 1 1/2 gallons (had to do so much to test runoff) nutes (except half str of the pureblend grow) - then I gave all of them about 1/2 gallon each of 1tbs of hydrated lime per gallon. It's been 24 hours since that and they seem like they are...
  4. lordaddict

    Low ph runoff - Raise? - Hydrated Lime question

    So back to my original question how should I apply this and the dosage per gallon and how much water per plant? And does me watering my trainwreck effect when I should give it the lime?
  5. lordaddict

    Low ph runoff - Raise? - Hydrated Lime question Says it raises ph
  6. lordaddict

    Low ph runoff - Raise? - Hydrated Lime question

    All the info on it can be found in the link in my above post. As well as the info and feed back. Went with the hydrated lime idea. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Rollitup mobile app
  7. lordaddict

    Low ph runoff - Raise? - Hydrated Lime question

    I was having other issues found here in this thread that someone suggested checking the ph of my runoff -
  8. lordaddict

    Low ph runoff - Raise? - Hydrated Lime question

    Here's a pic from yesterday Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Rollitup mobile app
  9. lordaddict

    Low ph runoff - Raise? - Hydrated Lime question

    Just tested the runoff of my Trainwreck (my biggest plant) and after drenching it with 1 1/2 gallons (it's a real bitch to get some runoff out of a 7 gallon felt pot) the runoff was 5.1. I bought some hydrated lime suggested by another person on here earlier. How should I apply it to the...
  10. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    Just tested the runoff of my Trainwreck (my biggest plant) and after drenching it with 1 1/2 gallons (it's a real bitch to get some runoff out of a 7 gallon felt pot) the runoff was 5.1.
  11. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    I have a 300$ BlueLab pH/ppm/temp meter. I have been neglecting to test runoff, but will test it today as they are in need of water. I went ahead and picked up some hydrated lime just in case.
  12. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    First I was overwatering during earlier stages. I generally judge them needing water by weight of the pot and sticking my finger a few inches in the top of the soil to see if it's dry or moist still. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Rollitup mobile app
  13. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    I have a air cooled 1000 w set at 600 at the moment. Cooled by a 440 cfm fan. Moby dick suffered a little heat stress about a week or so again but my lights are way to high to be causing a heat stress issue I think.. Have an oscillating fan between the canopy and the fan on high and another fan...
  14. lordaddict

    Is this nute burn? Or something else

    Plants are two months old and started from seed. Trainwreck Moby Dick Berry Bomb Blue Thai Violator Kush Gave them all 1/3 gallon of 6.5 ph water with 3ml cal mag per gallon. Had some yellowing throughout plant and thought it may have been the issue. They normally get half that cal-mag every...
  15. lordaddict

    Yellowing. Deficiency?

    Go for soil as well? and when do you cut your plant off completely from it? I am going to try bumping up the cal-mag on next feed. I'm not too familiar with bottom feeding in general, so I will look into this. Thanks for the input as well as the other guys who've chimed in. :)
  16. lordaddict

    Yellowing. Deficiency?

    They are in week 3 of nutes. And received 1/2 gallon each yesterday of nute water. I rotate giving them nutes and plain water each watering and generally water them every 2-3 days. Water is from well and I pH it to 6.5. Have not tested runoff as they do not produce much in such big pots...
  17. lordaddict

    Yellowing. Deficiency?

    My trainwreck and a few others have a yellowing throughout the leaves including new growth from how it looks to me. Plant is 2 months old today. Roots organic soil. Will post nute schedule in 2nd post from computer. Under 600w hps. Still vegging 18/6. Started from seed and my first grow...
  18. lordaddict

    Mag problem I think

    Just a quick note I am also using roots organic soil and it has bat shit in it. You may be overdoing the shit. Literally. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Rollitup mobile app
  19. lordaddict

    Plants Curling Up - Don't think it's heat stress

    Yeah, I quit reading forever ago, subject got way off topic and turned into a battle of who's right and wrong..
  20. lordaddict

    Plants Curling Up - Don't think it's heat stress

    Thanks guy. I am leaning more toward heat stress as well, just puzzles me how it's only 1 out of the 6 plants and they are all the same distance away. I raised the lights up 6" about 15 hours or so ago, plant does not appear to be curling more, but leaves are a little bit more droopy than...