Low ph runoff - Raise? - Hydrated Lime question


Just tested the runoff of my Trainwreck (my biggest plant) and after drenching it with 1 1/2 gallons (it's a real bitch to get some runoff out of a 7 gallon felt pot) the runoff was 5.1.

I bought some hydrated lime suggested by another person on here earlier.

How should I apply it to the plants and how much per gallon? Also how much of the water should I give to the plants?

Plants are 2 months old. Started from seed in Roots Organic soil. Still vegging under 600 hps

I just watered my Trainwreck with 1ml cal mag, .5ml superthrive, 1ml hygrozyme, 3ml botanicare pureblend grow - ph was 6.5

Should I wait a few days and let it dry before applying the lime?


Well-Known Member
1 . lime and lemon juice LOWERS the ph . 2 don't waste your time checking the runoff ph . unless you have a serious issue and check every thing else or like me I want to know how hard I can push the potassium right before my plants dye in late flower . so just ph the water and don't worry about soil run off . there is no need .


1 . lime and lemon juice LOWERS the ph . 2 don't waste your time checking the runoff ph . unless you have a serious issue and check every thing else or like me I want to know how hard I can push the potassium right before my plants dye in late flower . so just ph the water and don't worry about soil run off . there is no need .
I was having other issues found here in this thread that someone suggested checking the ph of my runoff -



1 . lime and lemon juice LOWERS the ph . 2 don't waste your time checking the runoff ph . unless you have a serious issue and check every thing else or like me I want to know how hard I can push the potassium right before my plants dye in late flower . so just ph the water and don't worry about soil run off . there is no need .

Says it raises ph


Well-Known Member
ok. I thought you were talking organic lime juice . like what you can cook with . because the lowers the ph. the key ingredient is lime stone . in that stuff . it will do what it says.


So back to my original question how should I apply this and the dosage per gallon and how much water per plant?

And does me watering my trainwreck effect when I should give it the lime?


Well-Known Member
read how to use that stuff . basically its a ph up for your water . so again if your water ph is 6.5 no need to worry about the soil ph. because lets say the ph was a problem In the soil and some hot shot farmer said ok I will just raise the ph of my water to hmmmmm 8.0 and this will raise the soil ph. problem solved right ? well mr farmer did not tell .the plant that it was not expose to drink the higher ph water . because over ph water will lock the plant out of nutrients . and doing so basically fixed the ph issue in the soil that was not an actual problem for the plant . but when doing soil the plant dyed . how are you going to keep the plants ph in check when adding higher then normal ph water ?