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  1. frostynuggets

    best set up for clone/mother room

    high. Just wondering about best set up for clone/mother room. i have 200w cfl and am wandering if a 150 or 200w metal hallide gives better results. As results from cfl havent been great so far.
  2. frostynuggets

    lr2 x ak47

    cheers boneman. this is my first go at autos. everything happens so quick with these autos. will try and upload some pics of them flowering
  3. frostynuggets

    lr2 x ak47

    my autoflowering lr2 x ak47 are five weeks from seed. they have all turned and are covered in frosty hairy buds. id like to find out about removing some of the more spindly lower branches to boost growth on the larger buds. according to the info on the strain they should be finished in another...
  4. frostynuggets

    removing lower branches??

    mmm lots of conflicting advice. these are autoflowers and they can be quite sensitive to sudden changes and flowering only for 6 weeks. they are under a 600w hps. cant really afford to use any more lamps. i may try removing lower branches off one of them.
  5. frostynuggets

    removing lower branches??

    thanks supanova. the foliage is quite dense. and the lr2xak47 went a bit crazy with the branching . i even got weird branches growing out of the first set of round leaves (not sure of the name the ones they use to split the seed case) how bizzare is that!!! there must 30 crowns on the ladies...
  6. frostynuggets

    removing lower branches??

    my lr2xak47 are covered in branches and am wondering if its worth removing the spindly lower branches to increase the energy to the bigger ones or is this just a myth??
  7. frostynuggets

    recommendations needed for the best SOG strains

    the tall characteristics of sativa suit the sog. just keep tucking the branches under your mesh or frame.
  8. frostynuggets

    lr2 x ak47 when to stop nutes+flush

    hi, i am about 5wks in to my first crop of autos and using biogrow,biobloom and top max. im wondering when to stop using the nutes and start flushing, i foolishly have them in 5litre pots and i reduced the veg feed on one of them a few weeks ago and within a few days the dark green started to...
  9. frostynuggets

    Lr/ak47 question

    i have lr2 x ak47 and they are about 5wks in. they started to show at 3wks and they were only 1' tall i only used 1 gallon pot and i am regretting it, they are massive for an auto. they are about 1.5'x1.5'x1.5'. next time i will use 4 or 5 gallon to utilise all the space under the plant
  10. frostynuggets


    hey, wondering if anyone has tried lr2 x ak47.