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  1. S

    ph problem....????

    hmmmm..... hav a ph tester....u know the color etc..... times r hard couldnt get the ph down heard vinager worked the same.....hav no pics need a digital cam....thnx 4 the advice!!! greatly appreciated!!!!
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    scrog question??

    how many plants ... using the scrog method......can u have under a 400 watt hps???? would alot of cfls work out better????? :wall: ............thnx
  3. S

    ph problem....????

    ok been veggin 4 about 2 months total ......was using tap water set out 4 a couple days. was working swell ! nice and green..... i understand that the ph of water should be about 6.5 ! been feedin plants 6.5 water with nutes every other feeding ! plants are between 1...
  4. S

    When should i flower these. Super skunk.

    um cant u just topem makem bushier so they dont get too tall???
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    PLZ HELP important before i start

    i had heard 48 hrs dark b4 u cuttem = more crystals but i dont know 4 sure..... might wanna wait 4 a master opinion - shit i wanna know 4sure too..........
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    fox farm nute question

    im growing in a organic pro blend mix.... im about to flower soon.... was wondering if i mix the tiger bloom and the big bloom together.... then adjust the ph ? or would i use 1 then the other the next feeding? also.... is flushing nessasary before flower??? thnx in...
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    Feminized Snow white from nirvana lots of pics.

    lookin good! how long did u veg? what they about 2 ft???
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    Peroxide ???

    thought thats just to add extra molecule when watering heavy so the roots get oxygen........... im new to this tho so i could b wrong
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    Tastier buds !?

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    400 watt hps.....

    hahaha o well thnx 4 the advice every1! im very greatful! i have a 4ft by 4ft area.........packed 16 of em in there ! in 3 gallon buckets! non fem seeds...too much???? actualy 16 sq ft i guess..... but i move the light every 24 hrs....
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    400 watt hps.....

    how many plants on 1 - 400 watt hps??? thnx in advance! ive learned alot on this site!!
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    Quick question

    thnx alot man.....!
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    Quick question

    can u flower a bunch of plants find a female bud her but insted of cuttin her down pic buds put her bak in a veg state to use for clones???
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    Need some help here!!!

    as far as i know........ u sex em when u start flowering 12/12 males have balls/sacks females have pistils....... males should show first
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    Soil or Soiless???

    curious as to the pros / cons on using a soiless mix...... better than using soil? im assuming with a soiless u have better control over the nutes & ph etc etc..... thought id chek with a few of you experts! thnx in advance...... :peace:
  16. S

    Tastier buds !?

    u add that to water then feed? or how duz that work exactly?
  17. S

    using molasses on the last 10 days of flowering???

    when would u use the molasses then? i wanna know too. is it a syrup? im not familiar.would u add that to ur nutes? if so would u havta ph balance etc etc??? thnx.......
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    Tastier buds !?

    molasses really? how would you go about doing that? sry if the question sounds dumb but im a novice..... thnx again:peace:
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    Tastier buds !?

    Hey all, new to this, second grow , was just wonderin if there is anything 2 do to make buds tastier? there was a hightimes out the cover said "how to make tastier buds"! any tips tricks of the trade?? any help in this matter is greatly appreciated..... :peace:
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    Will I increase my yeild if I add cfls to my hid grow?

    mh for veg hps for flower............